H by Harris by Root

Root is behind the design of a website and print work for new luxury luggage label, H by Harris, set up by London stylist, Harris Elliott

CR December issue

CR’s December issue looks back at the year in visual communications, plus features on surrealism, the Illustrative festival and much more

Scam ads: the final straw?

As festivals crack down, Gordon Comstock looks at the fate of scammersIn an unfashionable corner of hell, beyond the sandy pit reserved for compulsive mastur­bators, there is a place for those who make scam advertising. They will be tormented with briefs that they almost but can’t quite crack, eternal pitches supervised by vengeful traffic imps […]

Mmmm… meaty

Vegetarians look away now: Karmarama has recreated the famous Lord Kitchener poster in 16 types of meat in an ad for Colman’s Mustard

International Year of Astronomy posters

Starting out as a self-initiated project, Simon Page’s posters for the International Year of Astronomy 09 ended up being used by the organisation and are now available to buy as prints

AOL becomes Aol.

Wolff Olins New York has created a new identity for one of the internet’s pioneering (but now ailing) brands, AOL

New Antony Gormley website

Amp London is behind a new website for Antony Gormley that documents thousands of the artist’s drawings and sculptures

A Tony Kaye event

How a quiet afternoon in the office turned into me filming Tony Kaye giving an impromptu concert/art event in Soho for climate change awareness