Plasticine Paolo and more nice work

Here’s the latest round-up of goodly work that we’ve spotted in CR Towers recently. First up, a lecherous Paolo Nutini bends to director Corin Hardy’s will in this amusing video for Pencil Full of Lead…

Tony Meeuwissen retrospective

Inventive and intensely-detailed book covers, prints and postage stamps, not to mention a sleeve for the Rolling Stones, make up just a small part of illustrator Tony Meeuwissen’s creative work since the 1960s. Next month, an exhibition in Stroud displays a selection of highlights from his career

Font of Champions

The Champions League has a spanky new font family, courtesy of Fontsmith and Radiant Studios…

Javier Mariscal BFI talk

Javier Mariscal presents one of his animated talks this evening (Monday) at the British Film Institute. There are tickets left, so if you’re up for a mad-capped, whirlwind tour of Mariscal’s inimitable creative process (plus live drawing on stage) then click through for details

The Art of Persuasive Writing

Keep it brief, remember your target audience and have a clear ‘ask’. As Banknotes365 reveals, bank robbers are natural born copywriters…

November 2009

Continued production of an independent publication is an incredible achievement at any time, let alone in the time and places which played home to The B-Line office. In 1942 my grandfather, Geoff Thomason, created and edited The B-Line for the men of the 48th Royal Tank Regiment B Squadron. In this endeavour he was assisted […]

The vision thing

So, you’ve got the location and the space sorted, now what? Managers from three leading design studios discuss what it takes to run a successful business.

When designers wore lab coats

“Unimark was self-aggrandising, hubristic, wasteful, under-planned and overblown,” says Rick Poynor in our review of a new book about the design firm with the unusual dress code