Open-plan evil

I mean, seriously, we all have to pretend that we like it – or be perceived as egotistical dino­saurs – but we don’t really, do we? The proof is that when forced to operate in an open-plan environment, many creatives attempt to block it out, by clamping a pair of headphones on their ears. Did Zola […]

BTAA Craft Awards Winners

The winners of this year’s BTAA Craft Awards are in, with Bare Films’ hard-hitting ad Sarah’s Story for the Motor Neurone Disease Association picking up the gong for Best Crafted Commercial of the Year.

Some Type of Wonderful

Following exhibitions in Melbourne and Sydney, the series of prints created for this year’s Some Type of Wonderful are now available to buy online…

Pirates’ We Like Colour film

Pirates collective has created a rather tasty film for the Central Illustration Agency called We Like Colour. It’s a timelapse recording of the six strong team creating an enormous, colour-loving mural. Click through to watch it

Your ad on Victory Arch

If you’re based in London and journey home via Waterloo, you might notice the station’s Victory Arch start to collapse around 5.30pm, thanks to an ultra-realistic digital projection. Perhaps more worrying though, is that this famous memorial to the station’s staff killed in the first world war, is now a licensed ad site

New Yorker cover by Chris Ware

For the latest edition of The New Yorker, comic book artist Chris Ware has sketched a Hallowe’en themed cover that shows a brigade of Trick-or-Treaters chaparoned by their parents. In a nice contemporary take on the subject, each mom and dad is lit by the ghostly glow of an iPhone

Destroy All Monsters exhibition

Destroy All Monsters is the name of Juju’s Delivery’s (aka Barcelona-based German artist Julia Schonlau) solo show currently running at Rojo’s exhibition space in Barcelona

The ebb and flow of Paris traffic

As part of its new evening series of Friday Lates, the London Transport Museum is staging Sounds of the Suburbs on 6 November. The multi-sensory event, curated by D-Fuse, will also screen a new short by design studio, FL@33, called 8min20sec. It’s just been uploaded to our Feed section

Get Hope to Cope

Campaigning group Be That Change aims to get Twitter’s highest profile user, @BarackObama to attend the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen