Selling digital 1

In this panel discussion from our Click Singapore conference, we cover the difficulties of selling digital work to clients when it lacks the common cultural references of, say, film

Selling digital 2

In our second extract from Click Singapore, our panel give their views on the importance of understanding the client’s point of view

That Kanye, he gets everywhere

CR blog fan Kanye West (hi Kanye!) has been in a bit of trouble of late. In case you have been living in a hole, he got a bit over-excited at the recent MTV VMAs when he felt that Beyonce was the rightful winner of the best female video of the year, and interrupted the actual winner Taylor Swift to tell her so. And now he’s popping up on desktops all over town…

Dixons gets honest

Travelling around the London Underground yesterday, we came across this surprising campaign for online electronics retailer…

FAC 51 The Haçienda resurrected in print

Architect Ben Kelly and designers Ben Cox and Bill Holding at Morph have produced two art prints from a detailed digital recreation of the legendary Haçienda club in Manchester

A new Tube map, but no Thames

The latest London Underground map issued by Transport for London is a cleaner, stripped down version of the previous one. But TfL has deemed it necessary to do away with one little aspect that, for many, is a key navigational part of the map. The river Thames…

One that got away

In autumn 2007 Koeweiden Postma pitched for a new logo and housestyle for the Dutch government. They made it to the final round but didn’t get the job: here’s what the Dutch could have had

An art of persuasion

Dutch painter Ronald de Bloeme takes visual motifs, signs and symbols from the commercial world and uses them to construct colourful high gloss paintings. His new show, Diktatur, is on at the Hamish Morrison Galerie in Berlin until 24 October