The Mirror’s online footy archive

For the launch of, which includes an archive of The Mirror’s football photography, Delaney Lund Knox Warren have created a series of 48 sheet posters using some classic images of players from ten UK teams…

Underground magazine

The current issue of Creative Review focuses on a month in the life of Michael C Place/Build. As part of the piece, we asked Michael to cite an important influence on him as a young designer. His answer: Underground, an independent music magazine that ran for 13 issues from 1987. We tracked down its art director, Rod Clark to find out more about the magazine.

A learning experience

Vince Frost went through “hassle and hell” in setting up his studio in Sydney, he tells Mark Sinclair


New York’s Commonwealth enjoy collaborating with some of graphic design’s brightest talent to create unique objects


Curators Maxalot have enabled a range of graphic and digital designers to exhibit their work as a contemporary art form

The Graduates: Q&A

In our special graduate issue this month, we feature the work of a small but perfectly formed selection of this year’s creative graduates. Here we canvas their opinions on their education and their hopes and dreams for the coming years.

Typography faces the music

Typo Berlin aimed to examine the relationship between type and music. But the celebratory nature of the event meant there was less room for any critical study of this intruiging pairing

Down to the wire

CG technology is totally revolutionising the way that print ads are created, but while its use solves problems, will it be to the detriment of the images? asks Sean Ashcroft

The Graduates: Tomomi Sayuda

In our special graduate issue, we feature the work of a small but perfectly formed selection of this year’s creative graduates. We’ve also canvassed their opinions on their education and their hopes and dreams for the coming years. And if that wasn’t enough, we’ve invited all of them to show their work at Mother’s new gallery space