Nicola Place

So what about the business side? Nicola Place reveals how Build approach some common concerns for design studios

Art across the Spectrum

The likes of Stella Vine, Damien Hirst, Rankin and Stephen Wiltshire (whose view of London is shown above) have all donated work for SpectrumArt 2009, an auction to raise funds for the Cornish charity working with those affected by autistic spectrum disorders

Click Singapore

Last week saw CR stage our first event in Asia – Click Singapore, which brought together speakers from China, Japan, the UK and the host country to discuss the future of digital creativity

Shocking film highlights dangers of ‘text driving’

Last week we put up a new PSA warning against drug driving on the CR blog, and remarked on the subtle approach used in the campaign, which avoided gruesome car crash scenes. By contrast, this PSA from Gwent Police, which illustrates the dangers of texting while driving, pulls no such punches.

Jon Burgerman plush toys by Felt Mistress

Plush toy maker Felt Mistress has created stuffed felt versions of artist Jon Burgerman’s Brooklyn Hipster characters – for his current New York show…

Love Long Distance by The Gossip

Joel Trussell combines giant balloon heads and roller disco to brilliant effect in his new promo for Love Long Distance by The Gossip.

Is Million really a great idea?

Droga5’s Million mobile phone reward programme for schoolkids may have won a lot of awards but how effective will it prove to be in the long-term?

PS3 Playface

In this campaign for the new PlayStation3, director Timothy Saccenti has captured Japanese gamers’ ‘playfaces’ as they try out the new console…

New Matthew The Horse Comic

Artist and illustrator Matthew The Horse has posted a new comic on his website. It’s rather funny…

Question of the week 18.08.09

Being green is now a necessity for any business that wants to be successful. So how do you go about making sure you’re doing what you can in your day to day work?