Love Long Distance by The Gossip

Joel Trussell combines giant balloon heads and roller disco to brilliant effect in his new promo for Love Long Distance by The Gossip.

Is Million really a great idea?

Droga5’s Million mobile phone reward programme for schoolkids may have won a lot of awards but how effective will it prove to be in the long-term?

PS3 Playface

In this campaign for the new PlayStation3, director Timothy Saccenti has captured Japanese gamers’ ‘playfaces’ as they try out the new console…

New Matthew The Horse Comic

Artist and illustrator Matthew The Horse has posted a new comic on his website. It’s rather funny…

Question of the week 18.08.09

Being green is now a necessity for any business that wants to be successful. So how do you go about making sure you’re doing what you can in your day to day work?

The eyes have it

The UK Department for Transport has turned its attention to driving under the influence of drugs, rather than drink, in its latest PSA…

Absolut Rock?

It’s not every day that a bottle of vodka arrives in the post here at CR towers. It’s an even rarer occasion that a bottle of vodka turns up dressed in a tight fitting, studded leatherette jacket…

Mind the staff

If you live in London, you may well have met Tsehai Lewis (above), or at least visited him at work. He is one of 264 tube staff photographed by Maria Cox…

Dudeism and the power of film

Moxie Pictures’ Seth Gordon has shot three new idents VW’s See Film Differently campaign which supports Independent Cinemas. The films break today in cinemas nationwide but you can see all three right here…