Lot Lot posters

Norwegian Illustrators Kristian Hammerstad and Levi Bergqvist sent us these posters they designed for Lot Lot, a club in Oslo. Too late for Eliza’s Nice Work post, we thought we’d post up the full monster-themed set for your delectation…

Taxi Series

A collection of photographs that attempt to capture the beguiling beauty of life’s everyday confinements, re-proposing the ordinary, the displaced and the overlooked.

Arden’s library

Where do you draw inspiration from? For the late great art director and filmmaker Paul Arden, it was from his library. We pull out his particular favourites

James Joyce’s BBC posters and more nice work

Here’s a round-up of lovely projects that have caught our eye of late. First up is illustrator James Joyce’s series of ads for a new BBC science programme, Bang Goes The Theory, commissioned by Red Bee Media.

Bugs + street light + long exposure

Michigan-based filmmaker Charlie McCarthy shot 156 photographs of insects flying around a street light, each at a four second exposure. He then put them together at 12 frames per second to make this delightful little film…

Maybe It’s A Big Horse…

The Getty Images Gallery in London opens its new show, Londoners Through A Lens, on 14 August. It features some great archive images of the capital’s people from 1900 onwards…

Macclesfield Alphabet at the British Library

We’re happy to report that the British Library has successfully acquired the Macclesfield Alphabet Book that Patrick blogged about, here, in January. Not only did they raise the necessary funds to obtain the manuscript, but the rare medieval book will also be on show to the public from tomorrow…

Born In The Streets

Graffiti edges its way further into the mainstream art canon with this large-scale exhibition at the Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain in Paris….

Maurice Sendak on where his wild things are

As a kind of behind-the-scenes-trailer for the forthcoming Where The Wild Things Are film, illustrator Maurice Sendak talks about how his 1963 book has been brought to the big screen by Spike Jonze (who is, Sendak mentions, “roughly the age I was when I did the book”)

Question of the Week 28.07.09

This week’s Question of the Week, displayed on our trusty CR whiteboard, asks what makes for the best client to work with….

Film family portraits

Kirk Demarais makes portraits of famous families from cult films. Until 8 August, his latest coloured pencil tributes to movies like The Jerk and The Lost Boys can be seen at the Crazy 4 Cult show at Gallery 1988 in Los Angeles.

A Lesson in Life Drawing

Celebrating life through art is one of the central themes of Javier Mariscal’s playful new show at London’s Design Museum. His Drawing Life exhibition is a timely explosion of characterful lines and bright colours: perfect for a cloudy day…