Data driven type

Belgian agency, Happiness Brussels, just uploaded a great film to our Feed section: two typographers, a programmer and a racing driver collaborating to create a font by tracking the movements of a car…

Inside Cog’s studio

London-based Cog Design made this film for us of a typical working day in their studio. Plenty of design… and plenty of tea and cake.

All memorials have the potential to harm

The Manifesto Club campaigns against the hyperregulation of everyday life and their new book, Attention Please, documents the use of prescriptive safety signage that, far from alerting people to imminent danger, merely highlights the absurd policing of ordinary people doing ordinary things…

The Cribs’ visual biography

Jeffrey Lewis has created this two page visual biography of The Cribs to go along with their fourth album ‘Ignore the Ignorant’…

Blast creates possibilities for Conqueror

We like a nice bit of print as much as the next leading visual communications blog but, beautiful as they often are, paper company promotions can be a tad predictable. Which is why Blast’s campaign for Conqueror caught our eye

The New Ugly

Stretched type, day-glo colours and a flagrant disregard for the rules: are we witnessing a knee-jerk reaction to the slick sameness of so much design or a genuine cultural shift?

Thurso by Over the Wall

Thurso is very nearly as far north as you can go in mainland Britain and also happens to be the lead track on the first EP from Glasgow band, Over the Wall, the latest signing to Motive Sounds. The band have a lovely animated video to support their new release too, directed by Dan Sutherland