Mug Shooter

Mug Shooter is the latest bit of digital fun from Yugo Nakamura’s studio, Tha

The KK Job Centre

Now on in London, the KK Job Centre showcases the work of recent graduates brought together by collective Just Us

The Uniqlo Calendar

Following the enormous success of Uniqlock, Projector in Japan has returned with another covetable digital tool – the Uniqlo Calendar.

The Future Digirati

Adobe and D&AD brought together academia and industry to discuss how to get the most out of the next generation of digital creatives

Cocks Away! Tomas goes viral

Mainframe has created this series of virals to accompany the release of James Palumbo’s debut novel Tomas, a timely book that sets out to chronicle some of the more sordid aspects of the age in which we are living.

Question of the Week 14.07.09

In the first of our series of questions penned on the trusty CR whiteboard, we want to know about your reading habits…

One thing you can be sure of?

As our regular contributor, Gordon Comstock, points out on his blog, this new ad for VW Passat from DDB is very strange indeed….

Jonathan Glazer directs The Dead Weather

This video for Treat Me Like Your Mother by The Dead Weather, Jack White’s latest project, is directed by Jonathan Glazer. With such big names involved, the promo has received quite the hype.

Meet Monika

Launched at the RCA’s recent Show 2, Monika is an anonymously produced magazine that aims to free its content from preconceived notions of authorship. “Anonymity in the arts isn’t anything new,” explains Monika’s editor, “but it’s due a return”…