Driftwood: The AA’s summer pavilion

The Architectural Association has unveiled its latest Summer Pavilion: designed by third year Danecia Sibingo, its undulating form now sits outside the AA in London’s Bedford Square

Javier Mariscal’s Villa Julia

At the Milan Furniture Fair in April, Magis launched a cardboard playhouse designed by the Spanish designer, Javier Mariscal. Now available in the UK as part of the Mariscal: Drawing Life exhibition at London’s Design Museum

D&AD Student Award winners

Last night at the D&AD Student Awards, two graduate teams collected the Student of the Year prize – one from Berghs School, Sweden and another from Central St Martins in the UK. 18 Firsts were also awarded. Here’s a selection of the winning work…

Brighton Graphics and Illustration degree show

CR was amid the gently steaming crowd at the opening of the University of Brighton Graphic Design and Illustration show last night, just off London’s Brick Lane. Here’s a few highlights

Twittering on

According to mediauk.com, CR is now the fourth most popular UK magazine on Twitter, with 11,500+ followers. Our Neil does a fine job linking to some very interesting things and the best bits from the CR blog.

The Get Involved Poster Show

All the posters created during club-night Get Involved’s three year tenure at central London venue, The Social, have been reprinted for a new exhibition at Concrete Hermit…

Kanye West’s golden stage show

We happen to know that Mr Kanye West links to the CR blog via his site, so it’s nice to be able to return the favour with these mock-ups of what you can expect to see if you have tickets for his European tour

Red Wires: New Economist ad

The Economist is to debut a new commercial on 3 July which seeks to reach out to a younger potential readership

Michael Jackson: graphic designer

In a somewhat shoddy move, the promoters of Michael Jackson’s planned London gigs are offering to send fans a souvenir ticket in lieu of a refund. A ticket that, we are told, was designed by Michael Jackson himself

The story behind Obama’s digital campaign

The Obama campaign picked up the Titanium Grand Prix at last week’s Cannes Lions advertising festival, and was praised in particular for its integration of digital into a traditional approach. Speaking yesterday at Fallon advertising agency in London, Thomas Gensemer of Blue State Digital, the company behind mybarackobama.com, explained how the website contributed to Obama’s success.