When brands collide

While it’s rare that two brands will bed down together, pairing off can prove to be mutually fulfilling

Michael Owen, the brand

As he looks for a new club, Newcastle striker Michael Owen is being touted to potential suitors using a 32-page brochure listing all the qualities of Brand Owen

Buy a print, help a bushfire victim

This shot of drift wood by Stuart Crosset is one of 67 images donated by photographers to raise money for victims of Australia’s bushfires

The Thoughtful Six

Earlier this year, in a unique twist on the traditional student placement, studio Thoughtful upped sticks and relocated to Stockport College for six months.

Advice for Graduates

As this year’s degree shows open across the country, we have published a series of articles offering help and advice to new graduates in visual communications

Secret Blisters exhibition

Print Club London’s Secret Blisters exhibition of screenprints by 35 different artists opens next week in London…

Design for Yutaka Tajima

Yutaka Tajima is the clothing label of UK design studio, Sanderson Bob. Since 2004, T-shirts have been available from their online store, featuring designs based on their geometric Y logo. They’re now seeking submissions for new interpretations…

If vampires were real….

This was the premise that Digital Kitchen based its clever new campaign for HBO’s latest season of True Blood on….

Today on CR Feed

There’s some great work over on our Feed section, including Alex and Coco’s beautiful shots of Tokyo taxi signs (soon to be published as a CR Monograph)