“Tea time is me time”

BMB has recruited the wonderful John Shuttleworth to front a campaign for Yorkshire Tea. Genius

Only TV ads can do this…

We know it’s supposed to be tongue in cheek but is the Thinkbox ad really the best way to make the case for TV commercials?

Inside Music’s studio

This film, shot in Music’s Manchester studio, is the first in an ongoing series of CR films that will look inside creatives’ work spaces

The making of Klang

Work Associates looked to some of the Germanic influences on The Rakes’ third album, Klang, to create their entrancing typographic sleeve for the release and the supporting singles. Here’s how they did it…

A self-burial by the sea

The Glue Society has unveiled its latest installation at the Sculpture by the Sea festival in Denmark. The piece is a huge mechanical digger that seems to have buried itself under 300 tonnes of rubble…

Hattler’s Basement Jaxx Visuals

Basement Jaxx asked media artist Max Hattler to create stage visuals for their current tour: there was one rule – no monkeys

Interview Project

David Lynch has just launched Interview Project, “a road trip where people have been found and interviewed.” Taking in 20,000 miles across the US, a new film will be up online every three days…

UVA at Smithfield Gallery

Opening tomorrow at the Smithfield Gallery in London is a new exhibition by United Visual Artists.

QBN seeks publisher

QBN.com’s book project, A Better Tomorrow, is set to feature a host of new work from the site’s community and raise money for the Patrick O’Brien Foundation. But QBN now need a publisher…

The living book

In a campaign to promote the Editoras Online bookshop, DDB Brasil created a book that regularly updates its content using QR codes

A brief, eventful, London Life

London Life magazine brought together some of the top talent of the 60s, including David Hillman as art director. So why did it fail?