Milton Glaser – artist?

Rick Poynor argues that the most intriguing aspect of Milton Glaser’s work is the degree to which he is really an artist trapped – or at least voluntarily confined – in a designer’s body.

Zidane stars in new adidas campaign

Blockbuster ad campaigns are rather thin on the ground this year, so it’s good to see this epic new ad for adidas from 180 Amsterdam, which stars Zinedine Zidane.

Thrice Removed launch by Browns

Browns’ Thrice Removed book for photographer David Stewart featured in our Annual last month. Its official launch, however, was delayed until April but, it seems, it was worth waiting for.

Tools of the trade

Eschewing the landscapes and product shots typical of the sector, Carter Wong’s packs for Cafédirect’s Fair Trade coffees and teas feature tools used by the growers

Coca-Cola Yeah Yeah Yeah by Mother, London

Mother has created this charming spot for Coca-Cola as part of the Open Happi­ness campaign. The spot, directed by Dougal Wilson, is centred around a catchy new song, Yeah Yeah Yeah La La La, written by Calvin Harris.

Strength in numbers

Forming a collective can give you a headstart after graduation. And be fun too….

Food for thought

In a unique role reversal, design studio Thoughtful is undertaking a placement within Stockport college