How We Make Magazines

CR is bringing a small slice of this year’s Colophon2009 conference to London next month as part of our Portfolios event. Four independent magazine makers will show their work and share their experiences

The Gigantic Robot

Tom Gauld will publish a new 32-page comic this summer entitled The Gigantic Robot. It’s a fable concerning the production of a secret weapon whose promise apparently goes unfulfilled

CR June issue

Logo design trends, Astrid Stavro, advertising and typography and a look at the rarely seen but beautifully art directed 60s magazine London Life – all in the June issue of CR

Coke summer cans

Both Coke and deadly rival Pepsi have Coke produced limited edition runs of can designs in recent years – here’s Coke’s effort for the summer

ISTD Lecture: Wim Crouwel

The ISTD has announced a new series of lectures, the first of which is quite a coup: Wim Crouwel on 3 June…

The stained glass forest

Singapore studio Creamy created this installation for the ultra-hip New Majestic Hotel in which stained glass creates the feel of a forest canopy

Hombre.Cosa for MTV

Hombre.Cosa from Buenos Aires has created a fluorotastic series of idents for MTV electropop show 10+Pedidos

Rubik’s Cube Type Stamp

Jas Bhachu, who will soon graduate from Liverpool School of Art & Design, has created this Rubik’s Cube Font Generator