Goodby, Silverstein & Partners: Comcast Town

This new series of ads for service provider Comcast uses delightful 3D animation mixed with live action to create Comcast Town, an imaginary world that illustrates all the connect­ivity and entertainment the brand offers

Kate Marsh identity, Foxall Associates

Commissioned to create a new identity and website for design recruitment consultant Kate Marsh, London-based Foxall Associates employed a series of bird illustrations to represent her varied creative clientele

Design Indaba: Change for good

Speakers at this year’s Design Indaba were from a range of backgrounds, united by a desire for change. By Mark Sinclair

Levi’s Twisted Originals, Neighbour/Wilfrid Wood

Working on a brief to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Levi’s Engineered (twisted) Jeans, London-based design studio Neighbour commissioned Wilfrid Wood to create three “slightly twisted” characters

Nigel Peake: Ghost Houses Long Gone book

Inspired by photographs of “homes, holidays, family, soldiers, events of wonder and the plain ordinary” which he found in a thrift store in Philadelphia, illustrator Nigel Peake has published a book showcasing dozens of his drawings of old, abandoned, sometimes dilapidated and even collapsed houses

John, Paul, George and Jingo

When you think of Britain does a wave of images, sentimental, yet faintly militaristic, rush through your brain? Do soldiers, barrel-rolling Spitfires, smiling farmers and Eric Morecambe pass in tight formation before your mind’s eye? And tell me, these pictures, where did they come from?

The art of necessity

Starved of funds and resources in the 1930s, Spain’s printers found their own, ingenious way to respond to the avant-garde, write Mery Cuesta and Jordi Duró

They sell! We buy!

The Designers Republic, one of the most influential graphic design studios of the past 20 years, has closed its doors. Rick Poynor looks back at the studio’s work and assesses its lasting influence

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Formula One (& Fleetwood Mac) Is Back On BBC

Still of Liquid TV’s new BBC Formula One title sequence / onscreen branding
Die-hard Formula One fans will have been up early yesterday to watch the first event of the new season, the Australian Grand Prix which was broadcast on BBC – after several years of exclusive ITV coverage in the UK. Instead of the usual flurry of checquered flags, stock footage of races gone by, and dodgy photography of pit girls and racing drivers, the BBC’s new title sequence (created by Liquid TV) is a mainly CG affair that looks to have been inspired by high octane video games and movie car chases. And, perhaps most reassuringly of all, the new title sequence and on screen branding is accompanied by the tune the BBC has used for previous Formula One coverage: Fleetwood Mac’s ridiculously catchy tune, The Chain – the bassline of which, no doubt, F1 fans all over Britain are now humming incessantly. Click through to see the new title sequence…