CR meets T-Rex

No cameras, please. T-rex flashes his not inconsiderable teeth at the British press
For a brief second, as it lowered its head towards me and growled, I thought my number was up. Coming face to face with a 23ft tall Tyrranosaurs rex just isn’t something CR gets to do all that often. But this week we were invited to the O2 to check out two of the animatronic dinosaurs that will form part of Walking With Dinosaurs: The Arena Spectacular when it tours the country in July. Click through for some scary footage from the day…

Jan van Toorn at D&AD

The latest D&AD President’s Lecture was given by Dutch designer Jan van Toorn (subject of this recent book by Rick Poynor). Click through for film of him answering some of the audience’s questions afterwards

The art of old wood

Tapumes, 2006, Funarte, Rio de Janeiro
Brazilian artist Henrique Oliveira’s first solo show in the US opens at Houston’s Rice Gallery on 26 March. Oliveira uses wood collected from the streets of São Paulo to create huge installations that he calls “tridimensionals”. The thin sections of wood, obtained from old fencing and boarding known as “tapumes”, are bent and curved into these enormous structures that seem to spill off the gallery walls. Click through for some more pictures of Oliveira’s work and go here for some images of how he puts the structures together. Originally spotted on

An award worth winning

The winners of the Brit Insurance Designs of the Year, presented last night, each received one of these rather handsome trophies designed by Anthony Burrill and Michael Marriott

Fairey Wins Design Museum Prize

Though dogged by continuing copyright controversy, Shepard Fairey’s Obama poster was named as the Brit Insurance Design of the Year last night.

Presenting MouthOff: iPhone App Of The Day

Click Read More to see our demo of new iPhone app, MouthOff…
MouthOff is available from the App Store in iTunes
First generation iPod Touch users please note MouthOff won’t work on your device!

Saville at D&AD

Peter Saville on what’s wrong with design education in the UK
It’s a double dose of Peter Saville on the CR blog today, as we bring you some highlights of the Q&A section of his President’s Lecture for D&AD, which took place in Logan Hall in London last week. Saville discussed a variety of topics, ranging from his recent contemporary art projects to what he thinks of Banksy. Watch clips of the talk here.

Peter Saville: commercials director

Currently airing on British TV is a rather unusual road safety spot from M&C Saatchi for Transport for London. Optical Illusions was co-directed by graphic designer Peter Saville. The ad was actually made over a year ago, at which time we spoke to Saville about his involvement

Great New Videos

Grapevine Fires for Death Cab For Cutie, directed by Walter Robot
For all the talk of the death of the medium, brilliant new videos seem to be arriving daily into CR Towers at the moment – here’s a selection of our favourites this week. First up is a poignant and affecting animation by Walter Robot for Death Cab for Cutie’s Grapevine Fires. The song and video is about wildfires in California but also feels especially moving in light of the recent fires in Australia. Quicktime is here.

Students Beg, Borrow… and Auction Artworks

Lot No. 43 Real Nice print by James Joyce, signed and editioned (12/25)
The final year students on the Graphic Communication course at the University for the Creative Arts (UCA) in Farnham have come up with a novel way to raise money for their degree show: They’ve contacted designers, photographers and illustrators they admire and persuaded them to donate a piece of work that they can auction off on a specially made website called Beg Steal or Borrow. So far they’ve got lots for auction from the likes of James Joyce, Pentagram, Jonathan Ellery, Frost*, Kate Moross, Jonathan Barnbrook, Julian Morey and more. Here are a few lots that caught our eye…

Droga5’s Puma projection and more nice work

Puma Lift commercial, agency: Droga5, production company: MJZ, director: Rupert Sanders
It’s Friday so it must be time for another round-up of the nice work that has passed through CR Towers this week. First up is a new ad for Puma from Droga5 in New York, which uses projections to show a couple’s journey through life.