
While much of the world is rejoicing at Barack Obama’s decision to close down Guantanamo and the secret prisons, there still remains the use of torture within military prisons around the world

Airplot! identity

Airside has created a suitably green identity for Greenpeace’s Airplot! campaign to prevent a third runway at Heathrow airport.

Emily Forgot

An illustrator with a penchant for darkly comic surrealism, Emily Alston’s alter-ego, and eccentric aesthetic, may slowly be taking over

Squaring the circle

Mark Denton has brought some characteristic energy and fun to the Creative Circle. How has it gone down in adland?

Your 100 Minutes of Havana Is Up!

Following on from our initial post on 100 Minutes of Havana last week, CR attended the Secret Wars-style battle event between a crew of artists selected by Monorex and a gang of illustrators selected by Intercity…

A Private View

FUEL keep a sketchbook. They put funny things like this in it
A new book reveals the scribbles and sketches contained in the most personal of a designer’s possessions: their notebook…

About The Male Phenomenon

A few weeks ago, on his magCulture blog, Jeremy Leslie reviewed issue 1 of Manzine, a monochrome, fanzine-style exploration of “the male phenomenon”. My copy has been read avidly now by most of us here at CR so we decided to track down Manzine’s editor, Kevin Braddock to find out a bit more about the publication…

Have iPhone, Will Jam…

Those among you with iPhones and iTouches probably know all about the myriad apps available that can add to the functionality of your Apple devices. What you may not know is that there are enough musical apps to start your own band – as demonstrated rather slickly by London based girl band, The Mentalists, in this viral created by London agency, Wax…

F**k Off Fairey

Armando Iannucci’s In The Loop, the feature-length spin-off from his wonderful political comedy The Thick Of It, is using this rather nice Fairey-inspired teaser poster

Harry Beck: The Paris Connection

Detail from Harry Beck’s 1951 Paris Metro map design (which was rejected by the city’s transport authorities). Used by kind permission London Transport Museum
The Royal Mail recently commem­orated one of the UK’s greatest works of visual infor­mation design when Harry Beck’s London Underground diagram was included for the first time on a British postage stamp writes Mark Ovenden. The impor­tance of Beck’s rectilinear, topologic 1933 diagram is widely recognised and praised by graphic designers. Many wonder why Beck never extended his ideas outside London. The answer is, he did – to the nearest major subway network to London: Paris.