CP+B: Loved, Loathed But Never Ignored

Whopper Virgins by CP+B
Crispin, Porter + Bogusky is an advert­ising agency that, to say the least, divides opinion. When bestowing its coveted agency of the year award for 2008 on CP+B, the US trade magazine Ad Age sounded almost apologetic, acknowledging that the announcement meant that “any number of curmudgeonly bloggers and envious creative types all over adland are fuming”. Its sister title, Creativity, observed that “the agency is unrivalled in the amount and the intensity of antipathy it arouses”. Most successful advertising agencies will suffer sniping from others in the industry, often motivated by simple jealousy, yet CP+B’s detractors are especially persistent and vocal – but why?

Step into my cardboard office…

Nothing is a new commercial creative agency formed by Michael Jansen and Bas Korsten that has just opened its doors in Amsterdam. While the city houses the KesselsKramer agency in a fairly unconventional building – a nineteenth-century church – the Nothing office is an unusual construction too, in that it is built almost entirely out of cardboard. They sent us some great pictures of the space, which was created by designers Joost van Bleiswijk and Alrik Koudenburg…

Solder print by Jason Tozer

Close, Jason Tozer’s recent exhibition at London’s Print Space Gallery, offered up a selection of pieces by the photo­grapher that played on the notion of things not being quite as they seem. Tozer closes in on micro-worlds in much of his work and displayed images of bubbles that look uncannily like planets, details of cracked […]

The Art Of Lost Words

text/gallery is a new experimental showcase for art and design projects inspired by the printed and written word, according to its website. The brainchild of curator Rebecca Pohancenik of Studio Zwei, text/gallery has opened its first exhibition entitled The Art Of Lost Words this week at London’s German Gymnasium which promises to showcase “new design and illustration inspired by language’s forgotten words”…

The Glue Society at Pulse New York

The Glue Society’s latest foray into the art world is currently on show at the Pulse Art Fair in New York. A witty comment on man’s relationship with bird life, the sculpture is a Ron Mueck-esque depiction of a tiny man defecating on the head of a huge pigeon.

Designers Against Tibetan Abuse

Detail from Si Scott’s poster, included with the Designers Against Tibetan Abuse book
The first project to come out of the non-profit organisation, Designers Against Human Rights Abuse – founded last year by Rishi Sodha – is a collection of art and design work that focuses on the Tibetan struggle…

zerodB.org website

While much of the world is rejoicing at Barack Obama’s decision to close down Guantanamo and the secret prisons, there still remains the use of torture within military prisons around the world

Airplot! identity

Airside has created a suitably green identity for Greenpeace’s Airplot! campaign to prevent a third runway at Heathrow airport.

Emily Forgot

An illustrator with a penchant for darkly comic surrealism, Emily Alston’s alter-ego, and eccentric aesthetic, may slowly be taking over

Squaring the circle

Mark Denton has brought some characteristic energy and fun to the Creative Circle. How has it gone down in adland?