Chorus at the Howard Assembly Room

Last chance to see United Visual Artist’s Chorus installation at the Howard Assembly Room in Leeds, which runs until the end of this month. These photographs of the piece, lovely as they are, don’t really convey the full immersive nature of the work. Commissioned by Opera North, Chorus is essentially an audio/visual installation featuring a series of mesmerising pendulum lights that each generate separate, but related, musical notes (created by Mira Calix) as they swing in and out of phase. Check out the video of the installation on UVA’s site and click through for some more technical info on the project (and a reference to the influence of composer Steve Reich)…

Kern For Fun On Your Phone

It’s been a while since we’ve trawled the iPhone app store, but trawl it we have and found, among other things, this graphic designer-aimed game, KERN. The idea of the game is to accurately position the missing letter from a varyingly sized, type-oriented word as it falls down the screen. A kind of Tetris for typophiles…

Duffy Stars in Diet Coke Ad

Night Rider for Diet Coke, agency: Mother
This new ad campaign for Diet Coke, starring Duffy, airs tonight on ITV. The ad, out of Mother London, sees the soft drink shed its associations with scantily clad workmen and instead aims to celebrate a girl’s “right to say no to the pressures of modern day living”.

How should banks advertise in a recession?

“Let us help you save money,” coos NatWest in its latest ad. “Is this the most insincere bank ad ever?” reply bloggers
With bankers high up on most people’s hit lists, and banks facing a barrage of negative publicity, how do advertising agencies tackle the tricky task of promoting them?

Did somebody order a sausage pizza?

When people ask me what I do these days, I just tell them straight out: I make porn writes Gordon Comstock. Really it’s not that different to advertising I say, you still spend all day in a brightly lit room with someone you can barely stand, searching for variations on a creative act considered, up-to-now, unpalatable or just plain disgusting…

CR March Issue

The March issue of Creative Review is out on Wednesday 18 February and has features on Jan von Holleben, Self Help Graphics & Art, Harry Beck, Crispin Porter Bogusky and more…

D&AD Student Awards identity

Pentagram’s Domenic Lippa has unveiled a new identity and promotional material for D&AD’s 2009 Student Awards. The new work pixellates the familiar yellow pencil and uses elements of this effect across a new website and array of printed materials – including posters and briefing postcards – reflecting the organisation’s decision to take the contents of the Annual online…

World Press Photo winners

World Press Photo of the Year 2008: Anthony Suau, USA, for Time. US Economy in Crisis: Following eviction, Detective Robert Kole must ensure residents have moved out of their home, Cleveland, Ohio, 26 March
US photographer Anthony Suau has won Photo of the Year at the 52nd World Press Photo contest. Suau’s winning photograph shows an armed officer of the Cuyahoga County Sheriff’s Department moving through a home in Cleveland, Ohio, following an eviction as a result of mortgage foreclosure. As jury chair MaryAnne Golon points out, the image is “a double entendre. It looks like a classic conflict photograph, but it is simply the eviction of people from a house…. Now war in its classic sense is coming into people’s houses because they can’t pay their mortgages.”

Airside’s Green Print Job For Greenpeace

London-based design studio Airside has created the suitably green identity for Greenpeace’s Airplot! campaign to prevent a third runway at Heathrow airport.
In a nutshell, Greenpeace has bought a piece of land in the middle of the proposed runway site and, although the deeds can only have four legal owners (actress Emma Thompson, comedian Alistair McGowan, prospective Tory parliamentary candidate Zac Goldsmith and Greenpeace are named on the deeds), the organi­sation is inviting everyone to sign up for a piece of the plot in order to further the Airplot! cause.
Read on to see more images of the identity and also some of the images that Airside recently posted on its blog that reveal some of the ideas and sketches that gave birth to this identity, as well as work in progress images documenting the creation of the various graphic elements of the identity – including the bespoke typeface, made by printing letters and shapes cut from corrugated cardboard…

Gatorade channels Python, Mr Strings and other nice work

Quest for G for Gatorade, agency: TBWAChiatDay Los Angeles, Production company: @Radical Media, director: Tarsem
For your Friday afternoon pleasure, here is a selection of new commercials and music videos that have caught our attention of late. First up is a spot for Gatorade, directed by Tarsem, which looks to Monty Python & the Holy Grail for inspiration.

Telegramme: from post to print

Studying graphic design at different universities, college friends Chris Gove and Robert Evans kept in touch via the postal service. Sending flyers, gig posters and offering each other advice on their own work, the pair developed a creative partnership thanks to a shared love of music, art and the receiving of mail. Three years ago they set up Telegramme, their design studio in east London. For CR, Kezia Clark met up with Chris and Robert at their place of work, in an old peanut factory…

Everybody Dance Now

2wice is a contemporary dance journal designed by Pentagram’s Abbott Miller. Always beautifully presented, its regular territory is a somewhat high-brow world of toned musculature and perfect posture. Not so the latest issue.