Layer Tennis 2009 season begins

Marian Bantjes’ “serve” in her Layer Tennis match against Armin Vit, which featured in the first season
Kicking off today at 2pm Chicago time is the latest season of Layer Tennis, the online game which tests designers’ skills to the limit….

Brit Insurance Designs of the Year Show

Shepard Fairey’s Obama poster and The Guardian’s infographics both appear in the Brit Insurance Designs of the Year show which opens today at London’s Design Museum
When the Design Museum’s Designs of the Year Show debuted last year it had a mixed reaction. ‘Good first attempt, but plenty to think about for next time’ seemed to be the consensus. This year’s exhibition opens today – CR went along to the private view…


Raindance logo 1989-present by Pezman

Watermarks project

An undoubtedly devastating aspect of climate change is rising sea levels. It’s also one that many people in the UK no doubt find hard to visualise; severe flooding (Boscastle, 2004) and coastline erosion (Holderness, on-going) likely being the closest we get to experience its potential impact. In Bristol, a public arts project that sought to highlight the impact of rising seas comes to an end tomorrow night. Projecting watermark lines onto various buildings across the city, artist Chris Bodle has no doubt made many people stop and think. Thanks to Ben for his initial post on Watermarks at Noisy Decent Graphics…


New York magazine. Art director: Chris Dixon
Last week, CR attended the first birthday party of the Editorial Design Organisation (first covered here on the blog) writes CR art director, Paul Pensom. The EDO is a group formed to champion editorial design and provide support for students wishing to enter the industry. MagCulture’s Jeremy Leslie is chairman for 2009 and he used the party to introduce the EDO DIY exhibition: a selection of tear-sheets from some of the most notable editorial design from the last year, as chosen by EDO members.

Great new videos

My Girls, Animal Collective, directed by Jon Vermilyea and Chad von Nau, production: Knowmore Productions
Here’s a selection of our favourite videos of late. First up is this video for the great new Animal Collective track My Girls, by Jon Vermilyea and Chad von Nau.

Your Bus Slogans

One of several slogans sent in by Thomas Heginbotham
We’ve had a number of bus-side slogans sent in from CR blog readers using the Bus Slogan Generator we posted about on Friday. Here are our top 5…

Good Lord! It’s Darwin Day

As if upsetting people with its bus ads wasn’t enough, the British Humanist Society (when did it suddenly get so feisty?)will be distributing this poster to mark Darwin Day

There’s Probably A Better Atheist Bus Response

An alternative response to the atheist bus campaign, created with The Bus Slogan Generator
We shouldn’t be too surprised to learn that Christian groups are planning to respond to the atheist bus campaign which we posted about back in October. They’ve been riled by the on-bus banner that reads “There’s probably no god, so stop worrying and enjoy your life”. Now, thanks to The Bus Slogan Generator, you can come up with your own versions…

O’Shea And Cinimod Shine A Light

In artist and designer Chris O’Shea’s latest project, an array of emergency beacon lights interacts with visitors, tracking their movements through a Dublin gallery

Another Giant Trainer Marks Onitsuka Tiger’s 60th Birthday

Regular readers of the CR blog may recall our story this time last year of a 1-metre long model of a trainer-shaped mini-city which formed the basis of Japanese trainer brand Onitsuka Tiger’s advertising campaign, conceived by Amsterdam-based agency, Strawberry Frog. Now the agency, rebranded as Amsterdam Worldwide, has created a new 1-metre long model of a trainer, this time covered in shrubbery, trees, a mountain and rivers. Why? Well, to continue the brand’s Made Of Japan campaign but also to mark the occasion of Onitsuka Tiger’s 60th birthday…