Design Awards ’09 Category Winners

Italian Vogue – A Black Issue, July 2008, fashion category winner
The winners in each category of the Brit Insurance Design Awards 2009 have been announced, ahead of an overall winner that will be revealed at a gala ceremony at the Design Museum in London on March 18.

The Sony Bravia Zoetrope

Fallon’s latest ad for Sony Bravia launches today. The spot features the enormous Bravia-drome, the world’s biggest ever zoetrope (as verified by the Guinness Book of Records no less). Click through to view the ad.

Freehand Anonymous

Detail from I Would Save Freehand print for by tDR
I discovered recently that this (allegedly) high-tech industry of ours is populated by a whole

tranche of designers who are quietly hanging on to an old, obsolete piece of drawing software writes Michael Johnson. They know they shouldn’t, they get ridiculed for it, but they can’t help it. A piece of software that has been ever-present for decades has proved a tough habit to crack. Like the beginning of an AA meeting where people stand and admit that they’re hardened drinkers, it’s time to stand up and say that “my name is Michael and, yes, I do still use Freehand”…

Calling All Image Makers…

London-based screenprinting club, Print Club London is hosting another show of screenprints following the success of last years Blisters On My Fingers exhibition. Like last year, there will be 35 exhibiting artists (last year’s artists included Jon Burgerman, Steve Wilson, Richard Hogg, Serge Seidlitz, Jody Barton, Andrew Rae and Si Scott), 35 editioned and signed prints by each, selling for £35 a piece. Only this year, Print Club is offering the chance for all and sundry to be in the show which will take place in July at MC Motors in Dalston, London…

Studio Output: Shaw’s café identity

Studio Output sends us news of their latest project – a rebranding of the Nottingham-based café and restaurant, Shaw’s. Studio Output created a new logo, website and a number of printed materials including menus and signage. Each features a quote relating to the finer points of hospitality. Rather nice we thought…

Shepard Fairey’s Earth Hour Poster

Fairey’s poster for Earth Hour
Following the success of his Obama poster, Shepard Fairey has been commissioned to create a poster to advertise this year’s Earth Hour.

Chorus at the Howard Assembly Room

Last chance to see United Visual Artist’s Chorus installation at the Howard Assembly Room in Leeds, which runs until the end of this month. These photographs of the piece, lovely as they are, don’t really convey the full immersive nature of the work. Commissioned by Opera North, Chorus is essentially an audio/visual installation featuring a series of mesmerising pendulum lights that each generate separate, but related, musical notes (created by Mira Calix) as they swing in and out of phase. Check out the video of the installation on UVA’s site and click through for some more technical info on the project (and a reference to the influence of composer Steve Reich)…

Kern For Fun On Your Phone

It’s been a while since we’ve trawled the iPhone app store, but trawl it we have and found, among other things, this graphic designer-aimed game, KERN. The idea of the game is to accurately position the missing letter from a varyingly sized, type-oriented word as it falls down the screen. A kind of Tetris for typophiles…

Duffy Stars in Diet Coke Ad

Night Rider for Diet Coke, agency: Mother
This new ad campaign for Diet Coke, starring Duffy, airs tonight on ITV. The ad, out of Mother London, sees the soft drink shed its associations with scantily clad workmen and instead aims to celebrate a girl’s “right to say no to the pressures of modern day living”.

How should banks advertise in a recession?

“Let us help you save money,” coos NatWest in its latest ad. “Is this the most insincere bank ad ever?” reply bloggers
With bankers high up on most people’s hit lists, and banks facing a barrage of negative publicity, how do advertising agencies tackle the tricky task of promoting them?

Did somebody order a sausage pizza?

When people ask me what I do these days, I just tell them straight out: I make porn writes Gordon Comstock. Really it’s not that different to advertising I say, you still spend all day in a brightly lit room with someone you can barely stand, searching for variations on a creative act considered, up-to-now, unpalatable or just plain disgusting…

CR March Issue

The March issue of Creative Review is out on Wednesday 18 February and has features on Jan von Holleben, Self Help Graphics & Art, Harry Beck, Crispin Porter Bogusky and more…