Great New Videos

Bubblicious by Rex The Dog, directed by Geoffroy De Crecy, production company: Partizan
Here’s a selection of some of the best videos to pass through CR Towers lately, kicking off with this charming hand-made promo from Geoffroy De Crecy for Rex The Dog track, Bubblicious.

CR Feb Issue

CR’s February cover, illustrated by Letman
The February issue of Creative Review is out on Wednesday 21 January, with features on Luke Hayman, Letman, Indian advertising, The Guardian’s new home, The Elms Lesters Painting Rooms and more…

Guardian Gives Shape To Obama’s Words

The cover for The Guardian’s G2 section tomorrow (20/1/08), illustrated by David Carson
Expect Obama-mania in the media over the next couple of days as Inauguration Day approaches – ‘the nearest America will come to a coronation,’ as one wag has put it. In one of the more CR-relevant tie-ins, tomorrow’s

Kander Shoots Obama’s People

This Sunday, the New York Times Magazine will publish Obama’s People, a special edition featuring 52 full-page photographs of the new power elite, photographed by Nadav Kander

New Disc Packaging

I actually ordered a special edition version of Brian Eno and David Byrne’s Everything That Happens Will Happen Today album about four months ago – and it finally turned up last week… Here are some photos of the package – as well as a few other music packaging efforts that have caught our attention since getting back to work this year…

Me, Myself and I

From designer Nicholas Felton’s recently-published Annual Report, documenting his 2008 in minute detail. Last year he travelled 38,524 miles. Average speed: 4.39 mph
Why do graphic designers find themselves so fascinating? As Nicholas Felton issues his latest Feltron Report for 2008, Michael Johnson examines the new wave of ‘me-projects’.

The Right Kind of Wrong

Installation view of The Right Kind of Wrong at Mother ad agency in London
Opening tomorrow night at Mother ad agency in London is an exhibition by graphic artist Anthony Burrill and product/furniture designer Michael Marriott.

Yes We Can…Sell You Stuff

The Presidential inauguration of Barack Obama: historic moment in world history… and sales opportunity

Rubbish green policy

We received not one but two of these 4-inch wheely bins in the CR office today. The tiny bins came in direct mailers from one of London’s free newspapers, thelondonpaper, as part of a campaign conceived to promote the fact that the paper is “always printed on 100% recycled paper with ink that’s kinder to the environment”.

Loads of loaders

Preloading screen for Nvidia: Speak Visual site by Odopod, 2008
Ah the humble preloading screen, you kept us entertained (or tried to) as our crappy connection struggled to cope with the latest Flash-tastic websites. Now, at last, you have your chance to shine…