Iggy’s Revenge

Norman Cook’s latest venture, Brighton Port Authority, has Iggy Pop providing guest vocals on the track, He’s Frank. Directed by Nick Ball at Draw Pictures, the promo for the song features a well-worn Iggy puppet, in his traditional “top off” mode. The twist is that as the track progresses Iggy begins to turn on his “bunraku” puppet masters. But what’s got Iggy so annoyed? Maybe he’s finally seen those Swiftcover ads he did not so long ago…

Brad Downey: An Honest Thief Exhibition

The B in the Brad, 2007 by Brad Downey. Medium: Metal, street signs, light fixtures
Regular CR readers may remember the name Brad Downey – we wrote about the work he was producing with partner in art, Darius, while the pair were studying fine art at The Slade school in London in 2004. Now Downey is based in Berlin and works alone, but is still making works of art inspired by and usually installed on the streets. An Honest Thief – an exhibition of Downey’s work opens today at The Dray Walk Gallery off London’s Brick Lane. Read on to see a selection of work created by the artist since we featured him in the July 2004 issue of CR…

Burrill at Colette

Anthony Burrill is a busy man. Having only just installed an exhibition with Michael Marriott at Mother’s London offices, he’s now popped over to Paris to put up this show at fancy concept store Colette.

Australian Summer Madness

It may be winter here in the northern hemisphere but, in Australia, summer is at its height, leading to all sorts of strange behaviour. Agency Publicis Mojo Melbourne decided to erect a series of statues of Summer Madness victims in Sydney and Melbourne to remind people to stay cool in the sun (on behalf of client, Frosty Fruits ice lollies). The models for the statues, however, were created in Hackney, east London, by the artist and modelmaker Wilfrid Wood…

N.A.S.A. – One Album, Six Different Covers

Album artwork by Shepard Fairey
We’ve seen some collaborative projects in our time here at CR – but the forthcoming debut album by N.A.S.A., entitled The Spirit Of Apollo (due out February 16 on Anti-) stands apart: it comes with no less than five interchangeable covers by Shepard Fairey, Sage Vaughn, The Date Farmers, Marcel Dzama and Mark Gonzales…

Embedded Art

From a series of artworks based on logos by Barnbrook Design for Embedded Art
Embedded Art is an exhibition on show at the Akademi der Künste in Berlin which explores our current obsession with terrorism and security, and features contributions from graphic designers including Barnbrook Design and Neville Brody/Research Studios.

A Designer’s Portfolio, 16th Century-Style

From the original Macc Book – as used by designers in the 1500s
Before black vinyl folders, and way before the website, the Mediaeval ancestors of today’s graphic designers produced ‘model’ or ‘pattern’ books to show their work to potential clients. Only a handful survive but the British Library has recently discovered a prime example – the so-called Macclesfield Alphabet Book

What A Wonderful World Exhibition

Design duo Kai and Sunny first came to our attention here at CR about five years ago when we saw some beautifully illustrated record sleeves they did for Disorient Records. Since then the pair set up their own clothing label, Call of The Wild, which has seen collaborations with Reebok and Nike; designed book covers for various publishers including Hodder & Stoughton, Faber & Faber, and Penguin; and worked with a various ad agencies such as BBH, Fallon and Leo Burnett – on campaigns for the likes of Vodafone, Cadburys, and Becks. Now the duo have an exhibition of large format screenprints at East London’s Stolenspace gallery which shows off their penchant for nature-inspired illustrations…

New Cadbury’s Commercial (and more nice work)

Cadbury’s Dairy Milk ad, agency: Fallon, creative: Nils-Petter Lovgren, production company: MJZ London, director: Tom Kuntz
Fallon has released the latest spot in its A Glass And A Half Productions series for Cadbury’s Dairy Milk. The ad follows the trend established by Gorilla and Trucks of combining a retro track with some good, clean fun, this time in the form of two eyebrow-dancing kids. Click through to view the ad.