Deconstructing Dumbo

Illustrator Thomas Fuchs and designer Felix Sockwell’s new self-published book, Deconstructing Dumbo, presents 100 witty reinterpretations of the US Republican party’s elephant logo. Click through for 18 more – or order the book at Fuchs’ page, here. Surely a low ebb when people can have this much fun with your logo. Brilliant stuff. Link via Andrew Sullivan’s blog.

If Apple Made A Games Console…

It’s a joy to use, it has transformed a genre, oh, and it’s white. If Apple made a games console, it would be a lot like the Wii…

CuteXdoom II show at Maxalot

Anything that mixes the words “cute” and “doom” sounds like an interesting prospect to us. With their installation, CuteXdoom II, artists Anita Fontaine and Mike Pelletier have brought an immersive videogame-based art project to Amsterdam’s Maxalot gallery…

Elms Lesters Painting Rooms: The Book(s)

Elms Lesters Painting Rooms book, designed by Iain Cadby, is limited to just 1000 copies and comes in a numbered box
Eliza Williams’ feature in the current (February) issue of Creative Review takes a look at London’s Elms Lesters gallery, which regularly exhibits works by artists who learnt their trade on the streets. Recent exhibitions in the central London space have shown work by the likes of Adam Neate, Phil Frost, Futura, José Parlá, Mark Dean Veca, Stash, WK Interact, Delta and Space Invader.
Paul Jones and Fiona McKinnon, the duo that run Elms Lesters galllery, have been working closely with graphic designer Iain Cadby, of Worlds studio, for the past two years. Cadby has designed the just-launched 502-page Elms Lesters Painting Rooms book which celebrates the gallery’s 25th anniversary by cataloguing 17 exhibitions from the last 12 years. And Cadby has also been designing the gallery’s exhibition catalogues for the last year. Read on for CR’s interview with Cadby about his work with the gallery…

Coldplay’s Life in Technicolour

Life in Technicolour by Coldplay, directed by Dougal Wilson, production company: Colonel Blimp
Dougal Wilson’s video for Coldplay’s new single, Life in Technicolour, sees the band reinvented as puppets, who provide a musical interlude to a Punch and Judy show at a local village fête.

Little Chef’s Big Makeover

Last night, in the first installment of Big Chef takes on Little Chef, a new series on Channel 4, Heston Blumenthal, the culinary genius behind the Fat Duck restaurant, began a mission to revive the fortunes of ailing British roadside restaurant chain, Little Chef. If you missed the programme, there’s a rather good review of the programme by Susan Smillie on…
To cut a long story short, Blumenthal has been given the Little Chef eatery in Popham to deliver experimental menus to find out what kind of food might entice the British public back to the restaurant. Read on to see images just sent in to us by design agency Praline who, in collaboration with interiors specialist Ab Rogers Design have transformed the frankly minging Little Chef at Popham into a spanky new clean and bright environment where customers can choose from Blumenthal’s menu. Will it be a success? Tune into Channel 4 tonight to pick up the story…

Great New Videos

Bubblicious by Rex The Dog, directed by Geoffroy De Crecy, production company: Partizan
Here’s a selection of some of the best videos to pass through CR Towers lately, kicking off with this charming hand-made promo from Geoffroy De Crecy for Rex The Dog track, Bubblicious.

CR Feb Issue

CR’s February cover, illustrated by Letman
The February issue of Creative Review is out on Wednesday 21 January, with features on Luke Hayman, Letman, Indian advertising, The Guardian’s new home, The Elms Lesters Painting Rooms and more…

Guardian Gives Shape To Obama’s Words

The cover for The Guardian’s G2 section tomorrow (20/1/08), illustrated by David Carson
Expect Obama-mania in the media over the next couple of days as Inauguration Day approaches – ‘the nearest America will come to a coronation,’ as one wag has put it. In one of the more CR-relevant tie-ins, tomorrow’s

Kander Shoots Obama’s People

This Sunday, the New York Times Magazine will publish Obama’s People, a special edition featuring 52 full-page photographs of the new power elite, photographed by Nadav Kander

New Disc Packaging

I actually ordered a special edition version of Brian Eno and David Byrne’s Everything That Happens Will Happen Today album about four months ago – and it finally turned up last week… Here are some photos of the package – as well as a few other music packaging efforts that have caught our attention since getting back to work this year…