
It all began with a word. And the word was Uniqlock. The nifty gadget that took the ad world by storm.

Conflicting view

Suzanne Opton’s controversial billboard portraits of serving
US soldiers have impressed, bewildered and outraged

Change the record

Twee, acoustic, folksy music accompanies practically every second ad on TV at the moment. When, we ask, will it end?

Johnny Kelly: The Seed

The paper craft trend continues in this film for Adobe by animator Johnny Kelly, who joined the roster of directors at Nexus shortly after we featured him as One To Watch in our September issue last year.

Me, myself and I

Why do graphic designers find themselves so fascinating?
Michael Johnson investigates the new wave of ‘me-projects’

Hope and Hokum

The political cult of personality didn’t die with Stalin, as
David Crowley discovers in a new book of campaign posters


Dekotora (or Art Trucks) refers to the Japanese trend for lavishly decorated lorries, bedecked with chrome and all manner of lights

Let’s form a committee….

  I’ve searched all the parks in all the cities and found no statues of committees.” So said GK Chesterton. I once sat on a committee. We met weekly and nothing ever got done. In the wake of Boris Johnson scrapping the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Advisory Panel, I was fasci­n­ated to read about his new Design […]