Lost And Found Film & Oliver Jeffers Prints

Finished just in time for a Channel 4 screening at 2.30pm on Christmas Eve (and again on Boxing day at 4.30pm), Lost and Found is a 25 minute animated film adaptation of Oliver Jeffers childrens book of the same name. The film, a co-production between Studio AKA and Contender Entertainment Group, has been adapted and directed by Studio AKA’s Philip Hunt, with narration provided by Jim Broadbent and original usic by Max Richter…

Snow Way

Sadly, these cheeky snow kids will have vanished by now as they were made last week by Chicago-based designer, Beau Bergeron (and snapped by SimonK). Click through for more ghostly efforts from Beau, that appeared on the same set of mailboxes. (Via: Coudal).

KarlssonWilker Make The Cover of Time

Give KarlssonWilker a cover to design and, somehow, they will find a way to get their faces on it. Readers will remember our June cover starring the pair in full, terrifying, Karaoke flow: now they’ve managed to get themselves on the cover of Time, but you have to look hard to spot them

Johnny Kelly’s The Seed Film

The Seed, a film created for Adobe, is animator Johnny Kelly’s first major project since he joined the roster of directors at Nexus shortly after we featured him as One To Watch in our September issue last year – and the animated film follows the life cycle of an apple seed…

Crunchy Nutters

Crunchy Nut Cornflakes ambient campaign, agency: JWT London, art director: Mark Norcutt, copywriter: Laurence Quinn, illustrator: Jon Hicks, photographer: Mike Russell
JWT London has created this unusual ambient campaign for Crunchy Nut Cornflakes. In an attempt to tempt customers to keep eating the cereal in autumn (sales traditionally drop off over the winter months as people switch to hot breakfasts), pavement artist Jon Hicks drew Kellogg’s bowls around London, before sweeping autumn leaves into them to emulate the cornflakes. Click through to see more images of Hicks making the drawings.

The Art Of The Shoreditch Twat

During its short low-fi life the Shoreditch Twat managed to poke fun at one of London’s most infamous “up and coming” areas. Since the mid 90s, Shoreditch had become something of a home for Brit Art, hip dot-commers and mulleted media types and, over its 31 issues, it was the Twat’s job to lampoon the new residents of this part of east London. Even if the mag was, as ex-publisher Neil Boorman admits, “99% rubbish”. That said, an exhibition of artwork from the fanzine has just opened at the KK Outlet space in, yes, Hoxton…

Spot The Art Reference

Pentagram partner Angus Hyland has designed this canvas tote bag for art supply shop Cass Art. So, here’s a little Christmas quiz: how many of the well-known silhouetted art works can you name?

Ho Ho Ho!

Every December at CR we are lucky enough to receive an array of wonderful cards and, in more recent years, films wishing us a Merry Christmas (while also deftly demonstrating the creative talents of the senders). Here is a selection of our favourites so far from this year… plus a few other Christmassy things that are going on around London. First up is this charming little film from AKQA London.

Kerr|Noble Go Separate Ways

After 11 years of working together, Frith Kerr and Amelia Noble are closing their design studio, Kerr|Noble

What No Gorilla?

IFAW, the International Fund for Animal Welfare, puts a new twist on THAT Cadbury’s commercial…

The Designer’s Review of Books

Designer, academic and writer Andy Polaine has set up The Designer’s Review of Books, a blog dedicated solely to examining both the content and production values of some of the design publications vying for your attention (and hard earned cash)…

CR January Issue

CR’s January issue is out on 17 December. Go here to find out all about how our cover artwork was made in Brazil, read on for details of this month’s magazine