Pete The Meat Puppet And More Nice Work

Pete The Meat Puppet film for Diesel, directed by Legs. Agency: Farfar, Stockholm
Here is a selection of the more interesting advertising work that has passed under our noses at CR of late. First up is a frankly bizarre film that is one of a series of shorts that feature on this new Diesel website. New York/LA directing team Legs are behind all the films, including Pete The Meat Puppet, which features one of the catchiest songs we’ve heard on an ad for a long time. Yet somehow it seems unlikely that this song will make it into the charts.

Don’t Forget Your Inner Child

Abbot Mead Vickers.BBDO has created three new print ads for the V&A’s Museum of Childhood which continue in the illustrated style the agency established last year with a series of ads that went on to be included in this year’s CR Annual…

Food for Thoughts: Studio Survey

Following Mark’s previous post on new research into the foods and music that are most conducive to creativity, there was a suggestion in the comments that it would be interesting to find out what designers and creatives currently do. So go on then, tell us…

Food for thoughts

Next time you’re preparing for that killer pitch, you might do well to lay off the biscuits and bring along a nice plate of chicken to the brainstorming session instead…

And the BTACA winners are…

CR attended the British Television Advertising Craft Awards last night and witnessed Fallon’s Play Doh ad for Sony Bravia win in no less than four categories: Best Animation, Best Direction, Best Model Making and Best Use of Recorded Music (joint winner with Here Come The Girls ad for Boots by Mother). Play Doh also won The Panalux Award For Best Crafted Commercial Of The Year.
Read on to find out who won what…

National Geographic Rides The Vomit Comet

This week National Geographic airs a series of new idents in which a physical, 3D manifestation of its yellow frame logo and various other objects float around in zero gravity. The idents, created by agency, Brothers and Sisters were specially commissioned to promote and brand the National Geographic Channel’s forthcoming Space Week event (starting Sunday 4 January) – and were shot in zero gravity conditions in a G-Force One plane (a specially adapted Boeng 727 – the same kind of plane used by NASA to train astronauts) high above the Nevada Desert…

Getty Images Short & Sweet Film Challenge

Photograph of Jesus by Laurie Hill
Getty Images recently joined forces with London’s popular weekly short film evening Short & Sweet to launch a competition for filmmakers to create a short inspired by, and using visual content from, its enormous archive, housed at the Hulton Archive. Laurie Hill scooped the top prize for his film Photograph of Jesus, shown above.

Charity Ads: A More Mature Approach?

Kids Company by AMV.BBDO. Art direction/ design: Paul Cohen. Copy­writer: Mark Fairbanks. Photography: Thom Atkinson
The unscrupulous among the advertising community have often tended to look upon charity accounts less as an opportunity to help those in need and more as a chance to help themselves. Is a more mature approach emerging?

Sam Potts

Design fit for superheroes and other stories: Patrick Burgoyne meets well-read New York designer Sam Potts

Falling trends

Financial crisis, global economic melt­down, the world on the edge – the rather large hiccup in the world’s money markets recently provided headline writers with some pretty meaty material

Fallon, the next ten years

It’s been a pretty good first ten years for Fallon, London. The agency is regularly described as the best in London, if not the world

Designing a Legible City

Bristol’s City ID is redesigning the way we experience urban areas. Its latest project, for Southampton, hopes to put the UK city firmly back on the map for residents and visitors alike