Great New Videos

Running With The Beast by zZz, by Roel Wouters
Here’s a selection of some of the most interesting new videos that have passed through CR Towers of late. First up, Roel Wouters courts controversy in his latest video for zZz, for new track Running With The Beast. (Warning: some viewers may find this film upsetting.)

Stamps of Approval

A set of first class stamps are to be issued in January next year commemorating ten icons of British design. The Royal Mail’s new series offers up a discernably nostaligic look at some British Design Classics, largely culled from the 1930s and 1960s.

Adidas House Party

adidas commercial, agency: Sid Lee, Montreal; creatives: Laura Kim, Ron Wilfred Macdonald; director: Nima Nourizadeh; production company: Partizan LA
Nima Nourizadeh has directed this latest commercial for adidas, a minute-long film shot at a house party where everyone’s dressed in adidas. In amongst the regular (if very cool) joes are a plentiful supply of celebrities, some of which are easier to spot than others…

The Anti-Advertising Conference

Big Spaceship’s Michael Lebowitz makes a point at CR’s Click event. (Pic: Jon Cockley)
“Advertising has never given anyone anything except a headache. It’s something you do to get in people’s faces in a world where there is already far too much noise. I want to live in a post-advertising world.” Discuss…

Barrels of Art

In an unusual commission, the Glenfiddich distillery in Scotland approached design studio johnson banks to create a series of artworks illustrating the length of time it takes for their single malt whiskies to mature in the barrel. Following on from a similar initiative last year (where five different designers were each given a barrel to work with), johnson banks looked to the function of each part of the barrel to make a series of sculptures based on the five differently aged Glenfiddich whiskies. The results are on show this week in Glasgow.

Build Your Own Coffin And Other Ideas

At our Click conference recently, we invited three young designers to present one project each. The ideas ranged from the brilliant to the, quite frankly, bizarre…

D&AD: Your Questions Answered

The 2008 D&Ad Annual, designed by Research Studios
Since last year’s awards, there has been a lot of discussion on this blog about D&AD (see here and here), its role and its relationship to the professions it serves. Its new president, Garrick Hamm of Williams Murray Hamm, has just started his term of office so we asked CR Blog readers to voice your concerns by submitting questions about the organisation to him. Here are his answers…

A Cross The Universe

Trailer for A Cross The Universe by Justice
Out today is a new DVD for French dance band Justice, which follows the band on a 20-day tour across the US. The film fits neatly into the rock n’ roll tour film genre, as it documents the daily antics of the band which include plentiful sex, alcohol, fighting, guns, fans and even an drunken impromptu marriage in Las Vegas between one half of Justice, Gaspard, and a random female fan.

The NHS Needs You

The NHS was launched with this Halas and Batchelor film, Your Very Good Health, 1947
Make a film and help save lives: Creative Review and NHS Choices want your ideas for a new series of animated public health films

Killer iPhone Apps

Give an iPhone owner half a chance and they will happily launch into a lengthy demonstration of the latest slew of ‘apps’ that they’ve downloaded for their pocket-sized gadget. Apps are, essentially, packages of software that utilises (hopefully) the best properties of the iPhone’s hardware – ie the multi touch screen, GPS, and the impressively sensitive accelerometer. These properties, combined with a powerful operating system (Unix) and fast internet connection speeds mean that the iPhone is, in short, a creative programmer’s dream come true. Here at CR, we’ve been checking out a wide variety of apps and have compiled a round up of our currentfavourites…

CS Shanghai: The City Past and Present

Textile hanging featuring Shanghai landmarks by Jellymon
There’s a feeling that Shanghai has returned to its roaring glory days of the 30s, which means huge energy, huge opportunity…and huge inequality