D&AD: Your Questions Answered

The 2008 D&Ad Annual, designed by Research Studios
Since last year’s awards, there has been a lot of discussion on this blog about D&AD (see here and here), its role and its relationship to the professions it serves. Its new president, Garrick Hamm of Williams Murray Hamm, has just started his term of office so we asked CR Blog readers to voice your concerns by submitting questions about the organisation to him. Here are his answers…

A Cross The Universe

Trailer for A Cross The Universe by Justice
Out today is a new DVD for French dance band Justice, which follows the band on a 20-day tour across the US. The film fits neatly into the rock n’ roll tour film genre, as it documents the daily antics of the band which include plentiful sex, alcohol, fighting, guns, fans and even an drunken impromptu marriage in Las Vegas between one half of Justice, Gaspard, and a random female fan.

The NHS Needs You

The NHS was launched with this Halas and Batchelor film, Your Very Good Health, 1947
Make a film and help save lives: Creative Review and NHS Choices want your ideas for a new series of animated public health films

Killer iPhone Apps

Give an iPhone owner half a chance and they will happily launch into a lengthy demonstration of the latest slew of ‘apps’ that they’ve downloaded for their pocket-sized gadget. Apps are, essentially, packages of software that utilises (hopefully) the best properties of the iPhone’s hardware – ie the multi touch screen, GPS, and the impressively sensitive accelerometer. These properties, combined with a powerful operating system (Unix) and fast internet connection speeds mean that the iPhone is, in short, a creative programmer’s dream come true. Here at CR, we’ve been checking out a wide variety of apps and have compiled a round up of our currentfavourites…

CS Shanghai: The City Past and Present

Textile hanging featuring Shanghai landmarks by Jellymon
There’s a feeling that Shanghai has returned to its roaring glory days of the 30s, which means huge energy, huge opportunity…and huge inequality

The Secret of Efficient Meetings

Are you bored of sitting around in meetings that are needlessly long? Are you keen to increase efficiency and reduce wasted time in office pow-wows? Well, perhaps Fleeting Seating: The Slightly Uncomfortable Chair Collection is what you’ve been waiting for – a collection of specially designed chairs that should guarantee shorter, more efficient meetings…

CS Shanghai: Digital Snowglobes and Sad Lamps

Digit’s Daljit Singh showed two cool R&D projects at the Creative Social in Shanghai: a digital version of the snowglobe that shows the weather in any city in the world and a lamp that reacts to the day’s news…

CS Shanghai 2: The Slaughterhouse

Across the road from the Creative Social Shanghai event, where I’m blogging from this week, is a 1930s abattoir which has just been converted into a shopping and entertainment complex. Inside, now that the blood and gore has been washed away, it’s spectacular…

Creative Social Shanghai

I’m going to be blogging from Shanghai for the next couple of days as I’m here for the latest Creative Social gathering of creative directors from (mostly) digital agencies from around the world. We’re staying here at the Ruijin hotel – former Communist Party guest house, now chic hotel where a beer costs £10 and copies of Mao’s Little Red Book in each guest room have been supplanted by golf magazines and Fortune

Shooting Self-portraits

Breda, 1953
Advertising agency KesselsKramer has published the latest in its In Almost Every Picture series. Each book in the series documents a body of photographs of one subject. Usually found imagery of persons unknown, and never intended for public display, the images are intimate, often banal and always strangely fascinating. The seventh book in the series continues the theme but with one difference – its subject is still alive.

Jason Tozer: Fire & Water

Jason Tozer’s been at it again. His photographs of bubbles, presented here on the CR blog, formed one of our most popular posts. Now he takes a (very) close look at water drops.