Von’s Illustration Migration

Visitors to London’s Truman Brewery will have spotted the presence of a beautifully drawn flock of birds on one wall, the work of illustrator Von. Later this month the birds will migrate to New York to reappear on the wall of another gallery…

Walking between two Tates

Since the Tate Modern opened in 2000, London’s South bank has enjoyed a steady torrent of pedestrian traffic, especially at the weekend, as tourists and Londoners alike meander from London Bridge and the delights of Borough Market along the river all the way down to the Tate Britain, taking in several famous bridges and cultural institutions along the way. London-based illustrator Tommy Penton has immersed himself in the route from Tate Britain to Tate Modern, illustrating the view across the Thames every inch of the way and including in the scenes a cornucopia of colourful characters in his vibrant style.
Now his illustrated views have been brought together in a concertina-bound book, Tate to Tate, published by Jonathan Cape and an exhibition at London’s Menier Chocolate Factory…

V&A Buys Rolling Stones Tongue Logo for $92,500

John Pasche’s original artwork for the Rolling Stones’ logo, acquired by the V&A for $92,500
In 1970, while still a student at the RCA, John Pasche designed a logo for the Rolling Stones that has become one of the most recognised pieces of graphic design in the world. He was paid £50. Today, the V&A Museum announced that it had bought the original artwork for $92,500. We talked to Pasche about the logo and working with the Stones…

Photography lives!

The brilliantly conceived Rencontres D’Arles festival proves that there is life left in photography yet

Made in China (part 2)

Continuing our focus on China’s creative scene, we have part two of Johnny Tan’s account of a typical month as the creative director of BBH China

The Mighty Book Of Boosh

There are strong links between the surreal TV show and the world of design, as showcased in the Mighty Book Of Boosh

The Greatest Design and Ad Clips on YouTube? Well, a few of them

Today’s Observer newspaper features a list of the 50 Greatest Arts Clips on YouTube. In the spirit of shamelessly ripping off a good idea, we present some of the best design and ad-related clips we could find. To kick things off, from 1984, a fresh-faced Peter Saville and New Order’s Bernard Sumner discuss the importance of style to Factory Records in a Manchester caff…


The first half of this Monograph showcases a miscellaneous collection of animal drawings, some of which were created specifically for Creative Review…

What’s wrong with English football? Just look at the design of the trophy

The new football season in England is now well underway but I can’t remember a season I’ve ever looked forward to less. Whingeing, greedy, overhyped players playing in an overhyped league. If you want to know everything that is wrong with top-flight football in England right now, just compare the design of the trophy they play for with the one that used to be the ultimate prize…

Wallace & Gromit: How It Was Done

Following on from our post on Wallace & Gromit’s modelling assignment for Harvey Nichols, here’s a film on how the ads were made…