Limited edition prints, Blinkink

Blinkink has put together this set of splendid limited edition prints, featuring artwork by four of the directors repped by the company

BMW campaign, 180 Amsterdam

180 Amsterdam has created this campaign for BMW Motorrad motorcycles, which will no doubt appeal to bikers everywhere

Made in China (part 1)

What’s it really like to work in China’s burgeoning ad industry? We asked Johnny Tan, BBH China’s creative director, to keep a diary for a typical month.

Collective action

As the third series of Penguin’s Great Ideas is about to go on sale, we look at publishers’ attempts to make not just readers, but book collectors of us all….

Marian Bantjes: Love Stories Monograph

Typographer and illustrator Marian Bantjes has created a beautiful project for our Monograph series on all the people – and things – she loves…

It’s a wrap for director Thomas Hicks

Gravenhurst’s Nightwatchman’s Blues / Farewell, Farewell – limited edition (1300 only) double A-side, double 7″ pack, in handprinted, numbered, fold-out poster created by Thomas Hicks
CR readers may recognise the name of director Thomas Hicks – he was one of our second Warp Records competition winners (CR June 2005) in which he won the opportunity to direct a film to a track by Gravenhurst entitled I Turn My Face To The Forest Floor. Now, three years later, it gives us an enormous sense of well being to hear that he’s still working with Gravenhurst – and to see this, their latest collaboration…

Record sleeves of the month

Cover of UNKLE’s latest release: End Titles… Stories For Film, which features imagery by Robert Del Naja
It’s been a while since we’ve rounded up a few of our favourite music packages in a blog post – so here are a few that have caught our collective eye in the last few weeks…

Bonfires of July 11

A timely release from Steidl brings together John Duncan’s photographs of bonfires built by Protestant commun­ities in Belfast, Northern Ireland to be lit the evening before the annual July 12 celebrations. Each is depicted as an unlit, imposing structure piled together from wooden pallets and tyres. While post-ceasefire political progress has been lauded in the past decade, these images reveal the divisions that remain within parts of Belfast…

Faber Finds generative book covers

Faber Finds is a recently launched service offered by publisher Faber and Faber that utilises digital print technology and affordability to make out-of-print books available once more. Basically, a book is only printed when someone orders it – and, thanks to some clever gener­ative programming by Universal Everything collaborator Karsten Schmidt (undertaken through his own studio,, each cover printed promises to be totally unique. Various decorative elements designed by Marian Bantjes are arranged by the programme into a decorative border around the book’s title and author. The latter appear in a bespoke font, b-hmmnd, designed by Build’s Michael Place…

Iron Fists: Branding the 20th c. Totalitarian State

“Glory to the great October!” A Russian poster commemorating the 1917 Revolution,
from Steven Heller’s new book, Iron Fists: Branding the 20th-Century Totalitarian State
In Iron Fists, an illustrated survey of totalitarian visual propaganda, Steven Heller offers an insight into the visual representations of Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Communist USSR and China writes Katya Kan. Heller’s argument centres around the idea that totalitarian imagery is based on the potential of brand devotion. “Like any corporate identity campaign,” he writes, “the totalitarian regime demands the brand loyalty of its subjects.”
In his new book, Heller discusses how posters, magazines and advertisements were used within the visual systems of these dictatorships, alongside more formalistic elements such as typefaces and colour palettes…