Leo Burnett: McDonald’s Home Disco spot

Home Disco, the latest spot from Leo Burnett’s London office for the McDonald’s 99p-tastic saver menu, is genuinely funny, thanks to great casting and the direction of Neil Gorringe of Moxie Pictures

Sony idents, Fallon London

Fallon in London is behind this impressive set of idents, currently airing during the itv coverage of the Formula 1 season

Underworld: Book of Jam

The Book of Jam is a down-loadable monthly PDF magazine of photo­graphy, writing and illustrations produced by Karl Hyde, Rick Smith and John Warwicker that is avail­able to members of underworldlive­.com

Typo Berlin 08

The power of imagery to distort, distract and seduce emerged as the pervasive theme of Typo Berlin 08, says Daniel West

Now Showing

Now Showing is essentially an art experiment, devised to see how a selection of today’s illustrators and designers would respond to a brief asking them to create their own poster for a cult or obscure film from the past

All Aboard the Design Bus

In March last year, having just given a lecture to an audience in Katowice in Poland, London-based designer Anne Odling-Smee was presented with a proposal

Reflections on Cannes 08

The hotels have lowered their prices, our livers are slowly drying out, and nearly a week has passed since the end of this year’s Cannes Lions. So it’s time to reflect: what can we learn about the state of the advertising industry based on this year’s festival?

D&AD Student Awards

The winners of this year’s D&AD Student Awards were announced last night. Here’s our pick…

Degree Shows 08: Free Range

Shadow Narratives by Jon Hunt, University of Derby BA (Hons) Photography
Free Range is at the Old Truman Brewery on Brick Lane in London showing graduate art and design shows from colleges all over the country until July 21. When I visited, I saw photography shows from the University of Westminster, Nottingham Trent University, University of Derby, and City of Westminster College. Here’s a selection of highlights from the shows…

Rock-et. Ye-ah.

Sony ad from Fallon London. Art director/copywriter: Matt Keon. Production company: RSA Films. Director/designer: Johnny Hardstaff
Fallon London has teamed up with director Johnny Hardstaff to create an excellent series of spots for Sony. Disturbingly though, they are set to a soundtrack of Def Leppard…