Anderson & Low: Circus book

Circus is a new book of work from photographers Anderson & Low. Shot in 2006 it features the circus performers of Blackpool Pleasure Beach shot both at work and off duty in the surroundings of the theme park

Abbott Miller: Brno Echo posters

Pentagram’s Abbott Miller has curated a multimedia design exhibition, Brno Echo: Ornament and Crime from Adolf Loos to Now, currently on show at the Moravian Gallery in Brno, Czech Republic as part of the city’s Biennial of Graphic Design

Love Travel Guides, Fiona Caulfield

The Love Travel Guides are a series of upmarket yet practical guidebooks to Indian cities for the “luxury vagabond”, written by ex-advertising executive Fiona Caulfield

Studio Dempsey: Self-promotional postcards

After finally stepping down from CDT last year, the design studio that he co-founded, Mike Dempsey set up his own, far smaller operation to concentrate on projects of personal interest

Terminal 5 Films, Nokia

As we have reported on before in CR, Nokia has been commissioning an imaginative array of motion graphics work for display in its stores around the world

Digital disciples

Does the new religion of digital advertising have all the answers? Patrick Burgoyne reports from Creative Social

Wieden + Kennedy: Honda Drop ad

Wieden + Kennedy Tokyo has created this spot for Honda Asia, the agency’s first TV work for the brand since winning the account early this year

BPA Toe Jam video

Brighton Port Authority is Norman Cook’s latest venture, which launches with the infectious single, Toe Jam, featuring vocals from David Byrne and Dizzee Rascal