Hairywood Periscope

Nope, it’s not some long-forgotten 60s band, but the name of a tower designed by 6a Architects in collaboration with fashion designer Eley Kishimoto that will be open to visitors in London’s Covent Garden Piazza from Friday. Originally designed to promote the gallery space at the Architecture Foundation, it’s making a reappearance as part of Somerset House’s Skin + Bones exhibition. The pattern that adorns the outside of the tower was apparently inspired by Rapunzel’s hair; climb up and you’ll be rewarded with a rather sweet viewing gallery, six metres up in the air (but, alas, no hirsute ladies). Open until 20 July.


On the left, the January 2007 issue of The Wire: on the right, the July 2008 issue of Wallpaper*.
Great minds think alike?

Planet Tozer: How He Did It

An old coat hanger bent into a wire loop and a good recipe for bubble mixture – some of the hi-tec essentials for producing great images
Our recent post on photographer Jason Tozer’s images of bubbles prompted a fair few calls of “how did he do that?” Well, we were in his studio on the day of the shoot and can reveal all here…

Warsaw’s Prize Posters

And you thought the poster was a dying art? Check out the winners of the 21st International Poster Biennale in Warsaw

Sky’s New Sport: Crickolf

In this new viral for Sky Sports, cricket and golf combine – hey, it could catch on.
Click through to watch the spot…

Planet Tozer

Creative Review commissioned photographer Jason Tozer to shoot these pictures on behalf of Sony using its new Alpha digital camera.

OK Computer, Scanner, Dot Matrix Printer…

Big Ideas (don’t get any) from James Houston on Vimeo.
On guitar, Mr Sinclair Spectrum. On drums, Epson Printer. And let’s not forget the legendary HP Scanjet on bass. We interview student James Houston, whose brilliant Radiohead video has been causing quite a stir…

UK Degree Shows: What’s On When

Detail from last year’s Central Saint Martins graphic design show catalogue (by Oscar & Ewan). Degree shows offer a great opportunity for graduates to direct attention to themselves and their work. You’d never guess…
It’s that time of year again: the student degree shows are about to kick off and, potentially, launch the career of many a future creative star. Here at CR we do our best to see as many shows as we can and have compiled a list of some of the main ones to see this year, from all over the UK. For those of you who like to see as much work as possible in one place, we’ve also got details on the group shows from D&AD, Free Range and New Designers that showcase the work of hundreds of colleges. And if you want to add details of any other shows we haven’t included here, then please leave all the relevant info as a comment…

The Iranian Blogosphere

Map of the Iranian blogosphere produced by John Kelly and Bruce Etling for their paper, Mapping Iran’s
Online Public: Politics and Culture in the Persian Blogosphere
The Internet and Democracy project represents a series of studies carried out by the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University that examine “how the internet influences democratic norms and modes, including its impact on civil society, citizen media, government transparency and the rule of law, with a focus on the Middle East”.
The Center’s initial studies looked at areas where the internet’s influence on democracy has been significant: at the impact of news site, OhmyNews, on the 2002 elections in South Korea; at the use of mobile technology in the organisation of protesters during Ukraine’s Orange Revolution; and, as shown above, at the Iranian blogosphere and its possible impact on political and democratic processes. The results from this third study offer up some interesting conclusions on the rise of blog culture within Iran…

Kaws Creates Original Fake For i-D

We’ve really enjoyed seeing more and more magazines explore special covers and print techniques over the past year or so – providing unique experiences that the web can’t replicate. Next month’s issue of i-D will feature a collaboration with achingly hip artist and toy designer Kaws…

Daydreams at M&C

The normally pristine white atrium at ad agency M&C Saatchi has been transformed into a showcase of the multifarious talents of creative collective Daydream Network…

Things that make you go hmmm…

Ad agencies, they just can’t help being “inspired” by others can they? CR spotted this at the offices of M&C Saatchi last night – something about it was strangely familiar…