NB: Studio: Channel 4, Annual review 2007

Moving away from the heavily illustrated style of previous issues of Channel 4’s yearly review, NB: Studio commissioned photographer Nick Turpin to shoot portraits of some of the Channel’s employees

Mariscal: Framestore Rebrand

Framestore, has returned to Javier Mariscal of Barcelona for an update of his original identity work for the London-based post-production house

Spin: Meta identity

Design studio Spin has created the identity and promotional material for Meta, an off-shoot of established antique house Mallett that aims to combine old craft and techniques with modern design

Hot Chip, One Pure Thought

Production company Trunk Animation collaborated with artists Bevis Martin and Charlie Youle for this animated video for Hot Chip’s One Pure Thought

Ice, smoke and solder

The following images show the results of experiments with three different materials: ice, smoke and solder

When Objects Become Magazines

Is Not Magazine from Melbourne, Australia takes the form of a 2 x 1.5 metre poster laid out on a grid, a bit like a map. Find the contents box and it guides you to each article
Objects As Magazines / Magazines As Objects is the title of an exhibition currently running in Art Book in Milan that looks at a wide range of publications that explore publishing territory beyond the usual flat, bound magazine format…

Honda goes live

Honda ad originally shown live on Channel 4
The first UK live television ad played out last night on Channel 4 – it was a three-minute spot for Honda by Wieden + Kennedy London and 4 Creative, featuring a team of sky jumpers spelling out the brand’s name to promote the ‘difficult is worth doing’ philosophy. Impressive stuff… Watch it again here.

Not so street

Street Art at Tate Modern, installation view, © Tate Photography
As Banksy’s forays into the world of the white cube have shown, the meeting of grafitti art and the formal art establishment can be an uneasy one. This is reiterated in the current exhibition at Tate Modern, titled simply Street Art, which sees six international “urban” artists create artworks for the façade of the iconic building. The talent of the artists – who include Faile, JR, Nunca, Os Gemeos, Sixeart and the much-admired Blu – cannot be faulted but the method of display feels lazy, with all the works displayed on one side of the museum (to maximise the view when crossing over the Millennium Bridge presumably) where they compete with one another for attention.

A High Flying Artist

For seven days, a giant nest 50 metres up one side of the Weena Tower in Rotterdam has been home for Belgian artist Benjamin Verdonck. He’s recently descended from his lofty abode but as these images reveal, it would have been no mean task getting his nest up there in the first place. And if you’re going to spend a week sitting on a collection of twigs, obviously you’d make sure you had a nice grey suit to wear…

Crime: designed by FUEL

FUEL is about to publish a new book on the seedier side of life. Crime, by author and documentary maker Alix Lambert, is billed as a series of “extraordinary interviews exposing the world of crime – real and imagined”. Lambert talked to a range of authors, detectives, even murderers, in her investigation into the true nature of criminal acts – the book’s design references the ways that crime has infiltrated our visual culture…