Isa Genzken’s proposals for Ground Zero

Hospital (Ground Zero), 2008, all images courtesy Hauser & Wirth Zurich/London and Galerie Daniel Buchholz, Cologne, © Isa Genzken
Currently showing at Hauser & Wirth gallery in London is a series of sculptures by German artist Isa Genzken that are also architectural proposals for Ground Zero in New York. Leave any expectations that this notion may give you at the door, however, for Genzken’s sculptures are far removed from formal architectural models and instead are wild, glitzy forms incorporating materials ranging from everyday household items to flowers.

The Sweet Sound of Success

Still from the Ode To Ford ad written by Ogilvy London and directed
by Noam Murro. Now the victim of a rather funny YouTube-hosted spoof
In this day and age, it’s never been easier to doctor audio or visual material with tools on our computers. When we posted up the latest Cadbury’s ad from Fallon (that features a host of airport vehicles racing each other to the soundtrack of Queen’s Don’t Stop Me Now) a few weeks ago – almost immediately people responded by posting links to spoof films or versions with soundtracks tweaked for maximum hilarity. On one hand spoofs are made to poke fun at an original piece of work – but on the other, they acknowledge the original as a valid cultural reference point. So you could say, you know you’ve made it when your work is spoofed or parodied…

Art Directors Club Award For CR

Creative Review was one of several UK-based winners at the Art Directors Club awards in New York last week, picking up a silver for our Monograph series.

Jaime Hayon Works It

Spread from Spanish designer Jaime Hayon’s new book, Work, showing the finished version of the
Camper-Hayon shoe
Spanish designer, Jaime Hayon has a head of hair as vivacious and shiny as his work. His new book, Work, offers a full-bodied insight into his elaborately quirky, yet impeccably realised designs. From opulent table lamps mimicking a skyward explosion of bubbles, to a pair of overtly chic monochromatic shoes (designed for Camper), Hayon and timid are two words that dispel each other like incompatible magnets…

James Joyce Exhibition at Kemistry

Drawings And Other Objects opens at London’s Kemistry Gallery later this week and is designer and illustrator James Joyce’s first solo gallery exhibition…

Modernista!: Web 2.0h!

Patrick Burgoyne on how ad agency Modernista! turned to the web’s most popular sites to create its own online presence


Channel 4 at 25

Encylopedia Pictura: Björk Wanderlust video

The word ‘epic’ is bandied about quite regularly in the media, but here is a video that truly deserves the accolade. Almost a year in the making, the promo finds Björk in a fantastical wilderness setting for her new single, Wanderlust