Great new videos

Happiness video, Goldfrapp, directed by Dougal Wilson, production company: Colonel Blimp
For your Friday pleasure, here is a selection of great new videos we’ve spotted recently. First up is another gem from Dougal Wilson, his second in a row for Goldfrapp. This one’s for new track, Happiness, and, appropriately enough, is pretty much guaranteed to make you smile. Unless you’re a commentator on Antville, where the video has caused rather a storm of debate. A quicktime of the video can be viewed here.

Q Do You Think You R?

T-shirt featuring a QR code. Snap it with a internet-enabled camera phone and be taken to
the wearer’s website of choice
Quick Response Codes (those square pixellated barcodes that, when scanned by a camera phone, bring up information or link to a particular website) have moved into the world of bespoke fashion. Emma Cott, a Munich-based clothing label has launched a new collection of t-shirts enabling users of social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace to take their profiles to the street, sporting an abstract code design on their chest. Visitors to can generate their own QR code (that links directly to the website of their choosing) and add it to their choice of t-shirt. It’s self-promotion made very simple.

Paul Arden: a true maverick

Paul Arden died yesterday after a long illness. As executive creative director at Saatchi & Saatchi during its heyday, Arden was responsible for some of the great campaigns of British advertising, including British Airways and Silk Cut. But he will also be remembered as one of the great characters of the industry

Win a set of Not For Commercial Use prints

A set of five Not For Commercial Use posters, shot by Jason Tozer
Read on for a chance to bag this set of Not For Commercial Use posters, designed by Build, printed by Generation Press…

Desktop Dan

The Girl with a Pearl Earring Censored, 2005 by Dan Proops
Artist Dan Proops is set to showcase a series of paintings at the Empire Gallery in London from May 1st until 13th. If the surname rings a bell, it might be because he’s the grandson of agony aunt Marjorie Proops, but, as an artist, Proops has gradually been making a name for himself. After featuring in over 25 shows since the age of 14 (exhibiting at some of London’s most prestigious institutions, such as the Cooling Gallery in Cork Street and the Serpentine Gallery) Proops has been attracting acclaim, in part through his painterly reconstructions of computer desktops.

Design conferences

Overblown, conceptually thin, with nothing to say. Isn’t it time we demanded more from the design conference circuit, asks Rick Poynor


I was born at 3:35am in the late 60s

A good idea but…

Our panel: Tony Brook of design studio Spin, Simon Piehl from design consultancy Bureau for Visual Affairs and Mark Holmes from furniture design and manufacturing company Established & Sons

Roll Up For The Great Design Auction

Is a Brody worth more than a Sagmeister? Will a Hyland hold its value better than a Carter? Find out on 9 April when over 100 lots from 64 designers go under the hammer of “distinguished rebel auctioneer” Jonathan Barnbrook at The Design Auction.

New Cadbury’s Ad

Trucks, Cadbury’s ad, Agency: Fallon. Director: Juan Cabral. Production company: Blink Productions
The follow-up to the hugely successful Cadbury’s Gorilla ad, from Fallon ad agency, airs on TV later today, but you can watch it here for a sneak preview.
With a soundtrack of Queen’s Don’t Stop Me Now, it retains the retro styling of Gorilla, but otherwise slightly lacks the out-and-out weirdness that made the first ad so special. It does perhaps offer a hint of why BA has been having such baggage-handling problems at the new Terminal 5 airport though…

Escape Awards: The Winners

From the Flexifuel ad for Ford by Glassworks
Last night Tate Modern played host to the Escape Awards, the annual ceremony held by the London-based computer graphics and VFX school, Escape Studios, to honour the work of the UK’s best CG talent. Nominees included Framestore CFC, The Mill, MPC and Glassworks with a wide range of work up for each of the eight awards, ranging from student shorts to CG for Doctor Who, Harry Potter and Guinness. Well done to Framestore, who took three of the big trophies – click through for the full results…

Message on a Mountain

Leonard Knight’s understated creation, Salvation Mountain. Photo: Rosa Weber
Situated in the desert by the Salton Sea in Niland, California, Leonard Knight’s man-made mountain of hay and desert clay provides a three-dimensional canvas for Knight to paint his messages of life, love, God and Jesus. Salvation Mountain is an oasis of biblical scriptures come to life in a monumental folk art creation that, since 1967, has been attracting visitors from far and wide.