Ready to Launch

The Science Museum’s head of creative direction, Tim Molloy, commissioned Harry Pearce at Pentagram to relaunch Launchpad


Jeremy Deller talks to Eliza Williams about what it is like for an artist to deal with the design and promotion of their work

The Magazine, TATE ETC.

Tate’s magazine is an integral, yet independent component of its communications strategy. Eliza Williams talks to TATE ETC. art director, Cornel Windlin

Paper Alphabet

Sonya Dyakova, associate art director at Phaidon, is behind the design of the publisher’s latest title, Sculpture Today, by Judith Collins

The Designer, PRACTISE

He frequently breaks the Tate’s branding rules, but that hasn’t stopped James Goggin becoming one of the institution’s leading design partners

Childish Behaviour

AMV BBDO is the agency behind this distinctive campaign to advertise the Museum of Childhood in East London

Work in Progress, Europa

Europa is a design studio formed this year by four RCA graduates. Here, we track the first stages of their debut Tate commission

Dragon to sit on Union Jack?

Could this be the new British flag? In the UK Parliament yesterday, culture minister Margaret Hodge pledged to consider a redesign of the union flag to incorporate the Welsh dragon.