Painting modern life

Richard Hamilton, Swingeing London 67, 1968-9, © Richard Hamilton/all rights reserved, DACS 2007, © Tate, London 2007
The Painting of Modern Life, a new exhibition that opened this week at the Hayward Gallery in London, is ostensibly about the way that painters over the last 50 years have depicted everyday life, but it also tackles the medium’s complex and intriguing relationship with photography.

O’Shea’s X-Ray Vision

I’ve always fancied an x-ray torch, but I could never save up enough Bazooka Joe wrappers. Now, as proof that we are officially Living In The Future, I can finally live my dream. All I have to do is to get down to the Design Museum before 14 October to sample Chris O’Shea’s Out Of Bounds installation.
Using a torch beaming infra-red light, users can see through the walls of the museum and peer into the backstage world beyond. Sort of…

We Made Sony’s Play-Doh Bunnies Bounce

Fallon’s latest blockbuster commercial for the Sony Bravia Colour Like No Other campaign airs tomorrow. Directed by Frank Budgen, Play-Doh features brightly-coloured model rabbits hopping about the streets of New York. Read on to find out how it was done.

Hawkes Over London

Photographer Jason Hawkes has been up in his helicopter again, producing a stunning set of images of London at night.

Smoke Signals Over Bristol

Readers of a certain age may equate the idea of smoke signals with a cue for John Wayne to start getting the wagons in a circle, the idea was brought bang up to date with the installation of two “ephemeral speaking cloud structures” by Minimaforms at the OFFLOAD festival in Bristol last month.

Lichtfaktor: The Writing’s Not On The Wall

In the first of a series of posts dedicated to artists working with light, published in association with Aurea by Philips, Gavin Lucas speaks to the “lightwriting” collective, Lichtfaktor, about their work

Radiohead Put The Value On Design

Radiohead release their new album, In Rainbows, at the end of next week. As usual, the artwork (above) was created by long-term collaborator Stanley Donwood . Radiohead have always placed enormous value on Donwood’s contributions but with this release, that value has been made explicit: the album will be made available as a pay-whatever-you-like-download, but if you want the version with Donwood’s artwork, it’ll cost you £40.

New Elms Lesters Street Art Show

Artwork by Dutch artist Delta
A selection of some of the best known street artists – including Delta, Futura, Adam Neate, Space Invader and Stash – are set to exhibit work at London’s Elms Lesters gallery in central London…

Music videos of the month

A new crop of brilliant music videos for your pleasure – first up is artist/filmmaker Doug Aitken’s promo for LCD Soundsystem’s Someone Great.

She Says Stop Moaning And Do Something

“Whenever we went to a conference,” says Agency Republic senior creative Alessandra Lariu, “Laura and I were always the only girl creatives there. We’ve always been the only girls. So we said ‘let’s stop moaning and do something about it’.”

Freddy Mandy & Rob Welch

Freddy Mandy and Rob Welch (above) weren’t creatives when they met on the JWT football team. Welch had, in fact, worked at the agency for seven years, starting in the post room and progressing to office manager