Kyoorius Designyatra

Design practice is booming in India, as evidenced by last week’s Kyoorius Designyatra conference, which attracted a glittering array of international speakers to rainy Goa.

Pentagram Opens The Vaults

New York Public Theater poster by Paula Scher
As part of the London Design Festival, Pentagram is delving into its not inconsiderable archive to host a poster exhibition featuring some of the finest work produced by its partners, past and present.

Can You Create?

Creative Review has joined forces with Mute records and the Mercury Prize-nominated band, Maps, to offer readers the chance to have their work feature in gallery shows in both Manchester and London and on a special re-issue of Maps’ We Can Create Album.

Making The Chemical Brothers’ Fish Dance

The Chemical Brothers’ new single, The Salmon Dance, is released today. Below is the piece we published in our September issue in which we interviewed VFX supervisor Ben Cronin of Framestore CFC about the team effort involved in creating the video…

Burrill Lands Plane At Priestman Goode

Illustrator and designer Anthony Burrill created this life-size painting of a plane for the offices of design studio Priestman Goode. The two, who have collaborated before, say they have a mutual interest in simple design and technology, both of them producing work which is pared down and pure in its aesthetic, so Burrill seemed a natural choice when Priestman decided to brighten up his studio wall.

Another AnOther Magazine

Cover of the redesigned AnOther Magazine which boasts a revamped identity and
new typographic language throughout
Many of our recent posts on magazines (Super Super, 032c et al) have suggested that there may be a sea change a-foot in the way many contemporary mags are designed and, indeed, in what their readers want from them. Sitting pretty comfortably enough away from the “ugly” side of the fence is the new-look AnOther Magazine; no stranger to high-fashion/art/design aesthetics itself, its redesign is part of an attempt to align AnOther specifically as a women’s fashion title. Its changes are, largely, typographic (including a new identity) and were brought in by creative director David James, art director Sara Hemming and design director Gareth Hague. If you like your magazines more elegant, you can rest easy – this is a day-glo-free zone.

Eine: Typographic Vandal

Many Londoners, particularly those who frequent Shoreditch and Old Street, will be familiar with the work of street artist Eine: his bright lettering adorns many a shop shutter – a project which originally started when he used four shop fronts on the Kingsland Road to spell out his name “Eine” – one letter per shutter. Since then the letters have become more anonymous and Eine has well and truly put bold, colourful typography onto the streets – not only of London – but Stockholm, Paris and also Newcastle…

Cadbury’s Gorilla Unmasked

For one, glorious moment we got it into our heads that the man in the Gorilla suit in Fallon’s new Cadbury’s commercial was none other than Phil Collins himself. It all fitted. The gorilla had uncanny drumming skills. Phil has his acting chops having once been in an episode of Miami Vice and that film about one of the great train robbers. The agency were being cagey. They couldn’t give us stills for print, they said, because they’d had to sign a very strict agreement with the performer and “he had us over a barrel being the ONLY PERSON who could take this role” (our over-excited capitals).
But no. It turns out that the man in the gorilla suit is none other than… Garon Michael (above).

Carson Goes Swiss

David Carson (once referred to by CR as “the most famous graphic designer in the world” which, admittedly, is a rather small field) has opened a studio in Zurich (shown above). The move marks a return to a country that played an important role in Carson’s development as a designer. Back in 1983, while at the University of Ohio, Carson attended a three week graphic design workshop at Rapperswill, just down the lake from Zurich “the first graphic design course, the first graphic design anything I had attended,” he says.

Ashley Heath on 032c

Ashley Heath, once of The Face and the man who launched Arena Hommes Plus and Pop, contacted us with some comments on the ongoing debate around Mike Meiré’s redesign of 032c, a magazine to which he is a major contributor
“Having commissioned a huge chunk of 032c’s fashion imagery and original photography for the past couple of years and co-conceptualised some of its most prominent themes and cover concepts, I have a couple of thoughts on the Meiré issue/”issue”.

Creatives Fly The Flag For D&AD… But Dempsey Wonders Why

In order to provide imagery for the divider pages of this year’s D&AD Annual, Fabrica (who are designing the Annual this year) invited creatives around the world to take a picture featuring a D&AD flag. The flags were sent out in a pack giving detailed instructions on the brief and how to submit images, the best of which are featured in the 2007 D&AD Annual, out on 4 September. Former D&AD President and founder of CDT Design, Mike Dempsey, however, used his opportunity to point out that perhaps this wasn’t the most environmentally sound exercise they could have come up with…