The Provocative Mr Meiré

German art director Mike Meiré (above) is renowned in magazine circles for designing two of the most innovative magazines of recent times – brand eins and Econy. Both were celebrated for their clean, cool aesthetic appeal. His latest project, however, deliberately sets out to subvert all the notions of “good” design that his previous work nurtured so carefully. His redesign of cultural magazine 032c was described by as “willfully awkward”. Set against the standards of mainstream graphic design, it is, well, ugly. Here, Meiré explains why…

Paul Rand: You Have Been Simpsonized

“Is it sacreligious to Simpsonize Paul Rand? The younger Paul Rand that is?” wonders Jeff Kim . ‘Course not, it’s what he would have wanted.
And here’s another of the designers at Thomas Manns, Joana Niemeyer

Still Going…

This one just in from Domitille Pouy at design studio Thomas Manss & Company

Two more…

From the digital world, Robert Greenberg of R/GA
And TBWA Chiat/Day’s Lee Clow

Tony Wilson Remembered

Peter Saville went on BBC2’s Newsnight last Friday, along with writer Paul Morley and, bizarrely, presenter Richard Madeley, to discuss the legacy of Tony Wilson

The Paper Alarm Clock

Setting Miquel Mora’s paper alarm clock
For the September issue of Creative Review we are putting together a round-up of some of the best work from this year’s graduating students – trolling round the degree shows in search of those treasured projects that just make you stop and mutter a little “Oh. Wow”.

Michael Johnson – You Have Been Simpsonized

This just in from Michael Johnson: “Funnily enough I got this from Alan Dye at NB: Studio who was trying to do himself and reckons he ended up doing me ;-)”
Keep them coming

Simpsonizeme Again!

We are now developing a serious problem here at CR. We’ve already posted once already about the site that lets you turn anyone into a Simpsons character just by uploading a photo. But its siren call has proved too much and we’ve been back… too, too many times. Having spent most of the weekend attempting to turn assorted friends, family members and just about anyone else who we had a picture of into yellow-skinned loons with a major overbite problem, we have now turned our attention to members of the creative community – like Peter Saville for instance…

Running A Design Studio: The Boring Stuff

As part of our special feature on one month in the life a graphic designer in this month’s CR, Build partner Nicky Place addresses the less glamorous aspects of running a studio

Underground Press

Underground magazine, issue 2, May 1987
The current issue of Creative Review focuses on a month in the life of Michael C Place/Build. As part of the piece, we asked Michael to cite an important influence on him as a young designer. His answer: Underground, an independent music magazine that ran for 13 issues from 1987. We tracked down its art director, Rod Clark to find out more about the magazine.

Chemical Brothers, Dancing Fish

To create the promo for new single, The Salmon Dance, the Chemical Brothers turned to the team that created the award-winning video to their track Believe back in May 2005. Directed by Dom & Nic of Factory Films, the promo for The Salmon Dance sees a young guy waking up to the sound of a muffled beat. As he wanders through his rather roomy pad, he realises the noise is coming from his aquarium. It’s at this point that the fish start talking, beatboxing and rapping…