We Can’t Go On Like This

This is one week’s worth of packaging as consumed by the five members of the CR editorial team. Mark Sinclair looked at how design can help to reign in this mountain of plastics, glass and paper

2823 Text Messages and 60 Postcards

Last year, New York-based designer Nicholas Feltron took 2721 photos (5.8% of which were posted on Flickr), played 26,059 tracks in iTunes, had 859.5 drinks (293 of them being Stella Artois) while visiting 94 New York bars and read 3761 book pages

We Print… Football’s First Green Programme

Manchester City are the first football club in the UK to produce their match day programme in an environmentally sustainable way. Gavin Lucas asks Anthony Rowell of the club’s printer, Polar, about the project

Promising the Earth

In 2000, BP’s ads began to promise to go “beyond petroleum”. Now Shell are claiming they use their CO2 emissions to grow flowers. Is it all a lot of hot air?

Towards Creative Activism

Companies whose stories are real, compelling and smartly designed are starting to shine. Sarah Rich of World Changing explains how Creative Review’s readers can help genuinely green businesses to thrive

How to be Green(er)

We asked graphic designer Caroline Clark, co-founder of online resource Twig, to give us her recommendations for how you can work in a more environmentally sustainable way

Design of the World

Designers have a responsibility to be environmentally-aware and to instigate change in the wider world

Follow The Americans

The battle for District 8 in Saigon in May 1968 produced many civilian casualties. This woman hit by helicopter rocket fire was helped by a nervous South Vietnamese soldier.
Veteran Magnum photographer Philip Jones Griffiths gave a talk earlier this week at the Royal Geographical Society in London, where he discussed his photographic experiences in Vietnam and a body of work that spans over 40 years.

Towards Creative Activism

This the first page of the April issue of Creative Review. This month, the magazine has no cover. Instead, the biodegradable bag that the magazine is sent out in also fulfils that role, thus saving 8700 sheets of paper
April’s Creative Review is a special issue devoted to sustainability. For it, we asked Sarah Rich, editor of worldchanging.com, to explain how our readers can help genuinely green businesses to thrive.
Conscious consumers in the modern marketplace rarely face an either/or proposition. Gone are the days of choosing between pleasure and principle. Gone is the sacrifice of flavour, colour and style in the name of environmental responsibility. With the likely exception of toilet paper (which it seems still cannot be made both recycled and soft), many of our everyday items can now be found in a luxurious shade of green. Savvy advocates of sustainability know that business is not the enemy of the good…

Edited Highlights

Jonathan Ellery at his debut London show
The subtle alchemy of the editing process will be familiar to most designers and art directors. Browns’ Jonathan Ellery has translated his own fascination with it into three personal projects, all of which are brought together at his debut London gallery show, Unrest, which opened at The Wapping Project earler this month and was featured in last month’s issue of Creative Review.

What Do You Want To Ask Non-Format?

Ever wanted to ask the guys at design studio Non-Format about their work, their clients or what they get up to when they’re not creating some of the best graphic design around? Well, now’s your chance. We’re running a piece on the London-based duo in the May issue of CR. Send us a question: we’ll put the best ones to Kjell and Jon on your behalf and print their replies in the issue.
Post your questions as a comment on this thread or email them to mark.sinclair@centaur.co.uk.