Somebody Stole Our Sticker

Alicia O’Dell writes to inform us of this heinous crime – someone stole her Saville sticker. If anyone has any information leading to the recovery of this item, please inform us…

Celebrities Beaten Up for Women’s Aid

Grey London has created this new poster campaign for Women’s Aid to highlight the prevalence of domestic violence against women. Featuring typically stark photographs by Rankin, the campaign aims to tackle the issue of the silence that surrounds domestic abuse by featuring famous female celebrities with all-too-realistic bruises and cuts and asking the question “What does it take to get people talking about domestic abuse?”

Aylin Deniz

The work of Turkish designer Aylin Deniz first appeared in Creative Review in our fashion-themed showcase just over a year ago (CR Nov 05), following a recommendation by Tomato’s John Warwicker

The World Remixed

Paul Belford has joined This is Real Art, as the company moves into advertising as well as design. His first project: a subscriptions mailer for a certain well-known creative magazine

Designed to Kill

Each of these seemingly mundane objects conceals a deadly secret.

Can You Make Our Logo a Little Bigger?

The sponsorship of exhibitions is big business. Mark Sinclair visited several to see how far corporations have muscled in on our experience of art

S4C Rebrand Does Wales Proud

Last month, we named design studio and brand specialists Proud Creative as One To Watch. This month their largest project to date is unveiled: a new identity and channel branding for Welsh TV channel, S4C

Oliver Revives Lost Art

Best known for his emotive sleeve designs for bands such as Pixies and Cocteau Twins on the independent music label 4AD – and more recently Scott Walker and TV on the Radio – graphic designer Vaughan Oliver and his studio, v23, have influenced a generation of designers and music fans alike

We Made Skoda Giggle

Parv Thind and Joseph Mount talk to Gavin Lucas about their role creating the sound for Fallon’s latest Giggle spot for Skoda

The Money Maker

Dutch designer Robert Deodaat Emile Oxenaar – or Ootje as he’s known – created possibly the most beautiful money ever printed

The kids are alright

Contemporary art in London is full of childish glee these days. If Carsten Höller’s slides (at the Tate Modern until April 15) sound too scary, how about a game of “Squeak Piggie Squeak” with the kids at Tino Sehgal’s latest interactive performance work, down at the ICA?