Ads Of The Week

Rounding up the best posters and press ads to have arrived at CR towers this week, starting with a beautifully crafted retro print campaign from Nike celebrating Italy’s World Cup success, plus the latest burst from The Economist and Renault.

Bart Vs. The White Stripes

Bart Simpson and Meg White get caught up in a drum off in this witty Simpsons homage to Michel Gondry’s Hardest Button to Button promo.

The Smaller Story of Art

The Story of Art by EH Gombrich is one of the most accessible books ever written on the visual arts. Its popularity has ensured that it’s been in print since 1950 and has, to date, sold over seven million copies worldwide. It’s also been a mainstay title for Phaidon, the book’s publishers, who are about to release a new “pocket edition” boasting a complete redesign of the original book.

The (Graphic) Power of the Press

It is impossible to tell the story of late twentieth century Britain without reference to The Sun. For right or wrong, the tabloid newspaper is central to the narrative of a country that, in the 1980s particularly, was more divided than at any time before or since. On its pages – and most especially on its front pages – The Sun embodied the dominant political and social spirit of the times. Seldom can graphic design have been used to such dramatic effect.

Blake Paints Peel

Pop artist Sir Peter Blake has painted a portrait of the late and much-lamented John Peel to feature on the sleeve on a new compilation of the DJ’s favourite tracks, John Peel-Right Time, Wrong Speed:1977-1987, the first of a trilogy celebrating Peel’s career.

Wallpaper* Is Ten

Wallpaper* has thrown everything but the proverbial kitchen sink at the cover of the magazine’s tenth anniversary issue, out today. The result is a cornucopia of print finishing.

More Fuel For Thought

Last year in the magazine we wrote about design group FUEL’s initial forays into the world of publishing with books The Music Library and Fleur. Now FUEL is about to publish a new book, Ideas Have Legs…

BA flies with Google Earth

Faced with coming up with a stand-out campaign for British Airways’ latest “World Offers” sale, BBH in London has hit on a ingenious solution: to do a tie-up between the airline and Google, whose account is also held by the agency.

Yo! Where My WASPS At?

Straight outta Cape Cod and keepin’ it real is Prep Unit, a trio of New England gangsters, or “prepsters”, whose video Tea Partay has been notching up a massive amount of hits since its recent online release. BBH New York are behind this well-produced viral for Smirnoff’s Raw Tea which essentially takes all the clichés of blinged-up gangster rap at its finest and adorns them in pastel knitwear and boat shoes.

The (No Graphic) Design Issue

Here we go again. Today’s Observer Magazine proudly proclaims itself to be “The Design Issue” and yet, with wearisome predictability, we search its glossy pages in vain for any acknowledgement that design can, just sometimes, be about the organisation and dissemination of information and ideas. Unless, of course, those ideas are rendered in ruinously expensive polycarbonate.

Graphic design’s invisibility in the British national press long ago ceased to be a surprise. Now it’s just downright rude.


With just under two years to go, the The Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad (or, mercifully, BOCOG for short) have released what, for many designers will be a result far more interesting than the efforts of a few thousand sweaty athletes.

Yes, the winners of a competition to design the new set of Olympic Pictograms have been annnounced. And very cool they are too.

Gomez See the World

Academy director Kim Gehrig helms this charming new video for indie rockers Gomez. Gehrig places us in the role of the protagonist as we travel the world, eating bad plane food, flirting with strangers and generally having a fine time. Guaranteed to cause itchy feet.