The Knife: Like a Pen

Another great animated video from Swedish act The Knife. This one’s directed by Andreas Nilsonn. The track, Like a Pen, is released as a single on 9 October.

The Blank Tape Spillage Fête

Illustrator Marcus Oakley was one of 21 contributors to The Blank Tape Spillage Fête, at The English Folk Dance and Song Society, Cecil Sharp House in London. This is what happened:
I really like cassette tapes, I still use them, I still use my Walkman and I use them to record music with on my four track, and so last winter I was delighted when I was invited by Mat Fowler and Matt Hunt to take part in their Blank Tape Spillage Fête project.

An Illustrated History

Our visual culture has a seemingly endless appetite for nostalgia. Personally, I blame all those “I Love The …” TV programmes (“Spangles, eh, remember them?”) and the fact that today’s TV and publishing executives are the first to have come through a childhood of shared mass media consumption.

This summer saw the publication of The Dangerous Book For Boys, an unashamedly retro compendium of jolly activities designed to prise today’s pallid fatties away from their PlayStations and out into the fresh air. As well as joyfully instructing its young readers on how to make a catapult and flouting conventional wisdom with a chapter on how to teach your old dog some new tricks, the writers also included doses of the type of factual content that was once a staple of children’s weekly, Look and Learn.

In the 60s, Look and Learn shifted some 300,000 copies every week. Its team of crack illustrators launched themselves with gusto at everything from the early life of Ben-Hur to the Wonders of Nature. A typical issue might survey wildlife in the frozen Arctic, before regaling its no-doubt spellbound readers with The Story of Algebra (a real rollercoaster ride), pausing to investigate who killed William Rufus (a nobleman called Tyrell, apparently, although it could have been an accident) and ending with a brief introduction to the writings of Aristotle.

Thanks to a new website which has bought up rights to the magazine and its associated titles, many of Look and Learn’s amazing illustrations are now available to licence.

Type Cast

Set for release next year, to coincide with the fiftieth anniversary of its subject’s creation, Helvetica is a feature length documentary film about graphic design, visual culture and the impact of design’s favourite typeface. First time director Gary Hustwit has assembled an array of graphic talent to discuss the ubiquity of the typeface that was designed by Max Miedinger in 1957 for the Haas Type Foundry in Munchenstein, Switzerland.

Hidden Talents

Corbis’ Creatives Behind The Lens competition reveals the talents of the creative community’s frustrated photographers

Cut Out and Keep

A quirky London shop has been providing the creative community with copyright-free imagery for 20 years. Mark Sinclair visits the capital’s most intriguing visual resource, The Dover Bookshop

Serpentine Gallery

This month our panel discuss both the Serpentine Gallery’s Rem Koolhaas pavilion and its Thomas Demand show

We Built Coca-Cola Videogame

Coca Cola’s latest cinema spot, Videogame, is a fully CG animated sing-along from Nexus directors Smith & Foulkes. Ben Cowell and Reece Millidge tell us about their roles building and animating the spot

Stuck in Traffic

Car websites have been the source of some of the web’s most innovative work. But do they still cut it? Victor Benady revs up and reports back

Life Less Ordinary

Whether it be for advertising, editorial, or his personal work, Dan Tobin Smith has made an art of transforming the ordinary into the sublime.