Young and Why Not’s Blackpool Tower

Why Not Associates and artist Gordon Young have continued their fruitful creative partnership with these typographic climbing walls in Blackpool.

Graham Wood

You may have got used to seeing bright young things profiled on this page in previous issues of Creative Review: youngsters at the start of a promising career. This month’s One To Watch is rather different.

Class Action

A design initiative in New York seeks to improve literacy rates in some of the city’s poorest neighbourhoods. Mark Sinclair spoke to the people behind a groundbreaking project that puts the school library at the centre of an ongoing educational reform programme

Flash Grows Up

Website design is dominated by one software application – Flash. Sean Ashcroft explains how its eighth and latest version is shaping our online experiences, for better or worse

A Brief History of Time

The 60s’ “vibrations can still be felt in every aspect of popular culture,” says our reviewer, critic and design writer Rick Poynor. At the V&A’s new 60s Graphics show, “The Day-Glo graphics and metallic paper pulse with undiminished psychedelic abandon.”

My Type of Place

Bruno Maag relishes getting his hands dirty at London’s unique typographic treasure trove

Protecting Brand Mandela

Nelson Mandela is facing another liberation struggle – this time to free himself from the myriad attempts to profit from his image. As Sean O’Toole explains, this Disney-fication of Mandela is in danger of cheapening the great man’s legacy and Mandela has had enough