A Brief History of Time

The 60s’ “vibrations can still be felt in every aspect of popular culture,” says our reviewer, critic and design writer Rick Poynor. At the V&A’s new 60s Graphics show, “The Day-Glo graphics and metallic paper pulse with undiminished psychedelic abandon.”

My Type of Place

Bruno Maag relishes getting his hands dirty at London’s unique typographic treasure trove

Protecting Brand Mandela

Nelson Mandela is facing another liberation struggle – this time to free himself from the myriad attempts to profit from his image. As Sean O’Toole explains, this Disney-fication of Mandela is in danger of cheapening the great man’s legacy and Mandela has had enough

Chicken, Beer and Mr T

The Barbarian Group’s Subservient Chicken site awoke the ad industry to the potential of online. Patrick Burgoyne hears from two of its creators

Studio Profile: SEA Design

In the fourth of our series, we profile Sea Design, revealing them, their work, the equipment they use and the space they use it in.

Questions of Authorship

The notion of the “graphic author” is one that is having a increasing impact on the theory and practice of graphic design. Highly respected design writer Rick Poynor was one of the first to coin the term. Here he sets up what we hope will be an ongoing debate by defining graphic authorship and what it means for the industry.