Photograph of a child lying on the ground facing a Lego Ninja figuring

Brick by brick: Behind the scenes at Lego

From canny collaborations to a deep understanding of how kids interact digitally, Lego has evolved from a physical toy brand to an entertainment juggernaut – all while keeping the humble brick at the heart of what it does

Installation views of Alienarium 5 at Serpentine South in London by Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster

The rise and rise of science fiction

Sci-fi is a dominant feature of the London exhibition scene at the moment, appearing in shows from the Hayward to the Barbican, Somerset House Studios to the Serpentine Galleries. Why does this genre speak to us so much right now?

Superette's Annex store

Superette: A fresh take on cannabis retail

With its exuberant visual language and store designs, Canadian retail brand Superette is making its mark on the budding legal cannabis industry. Co-founder Drummond Munro explains how design has helped to shake things up

How brands can navigate a hybrid future

As new and exciting opportunities emerge in the digital space, brands need to connect the various worlds we live in more than ever. The only way to do this is to think in human terms, not transactional ones