Image of the Balenciaga and Fortnite promotion in Times Square

Epic Games: The dreamers of the dreams

Want to know what works in the metaverse? Then look to Epic Games’ Fortnite, which is no longer just a game but an entertainment platform that also hosts music, art, and impressive brand experiences

Percy Pig M&S

An oral history of Percy Pig

As M&S’ famous character turns 30, we speak to his original creators and the brand team about how he went from a humble sweet to a cultural institution

Still of a woman blowing bubble gum with the Nike logo in Nike's Never Settle, Never Done campaign for the Euros 2022

The rise and rise of women’s football

Fresh from working on Nike’s new spot to mark the Euros this month, Wieden + Kennedy London’s Ankita Tobit talks to us about how the narrative around the women’s game has moved on in the last few years and where opportunities lie for brands


Sri Lanka: For love nor money

What role does creativity play when money simply ceases to exist? Sri Lanka’s economic crisis has led to a decimation of essential services, with starvation on the horizon. Here, Ravi Amaratunga Hitchcock explores how the local creative community are reacting

How to document hardship

Images of people facing suffering and financial hardship have often stumbled into ‘poverty porn’ and objectification. Is there a right way for an imagemaker to navigate this kind of work?